Work Center Maintenance - Fields


Work Center Maintenance

Work Center

Enter the work center code for the work center to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to list all work centers.

Note You must enter at least one work center.



Type the description for the work center.


Queue Time

Type the number of hours that an average job waits in the work center's queue before work is actually performed. The queue time should also indicate the move time required after the previous operation has been completed to move the partially completed items to the current work center.


Efficiency Percentage

Type the percentage of efficiency for this work center, taking into account any necessary adjustments for changes in personnel or equipment. This percentage is used to calculate the amount of time to schedule for an operation.

This percentage should be maintained regularly to reflect the current status of the work center. Typically, the work center efficiency percentage should be at 100 percent to reflect the normal productivity of the work center. If a work center normally has two machines in operation and one of the machines is down for maintenance, the efficiency for the work center is reduced to 50 percent.


Number of Workers/Machines

Type the number of production units (that is, workers or machines) that will be used at this work center.

A production unit can be a machine or a set of workers. The number you enter in this field depends on how you want to express the "standard hours available" information and how the production rates are to be expressed for the operation code for this work center. To express the production rates for operation codes in terms of the work center as a whole, enter 1 in this field. To express the production rates on a per-machine basis, enter the number of machines to use.


Min Scheduling Time Period

Type the minimum number of minutes expected for the completion of any operation at this work center. This time period is used in calculating schedules in Work Order Entry. This prevents scheduling of unrealistically short time periods when small quantities of components are processed.


Charge Labor at Employee Rate

Select this check box to charge labor using the production employee rate entered in Production Employee Maintenance. Clear this check box to charge labor using the standard cost rate for the operations assigned to this work center/operation code.


Outside Processing Work Center

Select this check box if outside processing will take place at this work center. Clear this check box if this is an on-site work center.


Date of Last Inspection

Type the date that this work center was last inspected. This information is for reporting purposes only.


Date of Next Inspection

Type the next date that this work center will be inspected. This information is for reporting purposes only.


Standard Hours Available in Work Center

Type the number of hours that this work center is available for operation for each day of the week. Your entries are used for scheduling in Work Order Entry. If no hours are entered for any day, a default of 8 hours for each day is used for Monday through Friday. For Saturday and Sunday, 0 (zero) hours are used.

Note The number of hours entered must be consistent with the method you employ for defining operation codes for this work center. If you define the production rate for this work center on the basis of each machine in Operation Code Maintenance, you would enter 32 for 4 machines that are available 8 hours per day, and enter 4 in the Number of Workers/Machines field. If, however, you define the production rate based on all 4 machines as a single unit, you would enter 8, and enter 1 in the Number of Workers/Machines field.

Production rates are defined by hours per operation, hours per lot, or operations per hour in Operation Code Maintenance.



Type up to two lines of comments for this work center. This information is for reporting purposes only.


Copy Work Center

Enter the work center code from which to copy information. Click the Lookup button to list all work center codes. This field is available only if Work Center Maintenance is accessed on the fly.

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