Work Order Options - Fields


Work Order Options

1. Main


Print Work Order Travelers Upon Release

Select this check box to print travelers in Work Order Traveler Printing when work orders are released using Work Order Transaction Entry. Clear this check box to manually select work orders for which travelers are printed using Work Order Traveler Printing. A traveler tracks material to be issued and steps to be performed on a work order.


Print Material Listing on Work Order Traveler

Select this check box to include material information on the traveler in addition to the step information. Clear this check box to exclude material information from the traveler.


Material Print Format

Select a material print format.

This option is available only if the Print Material Listing on Work Order Traveler check box is selected.


Automatically Increment Steps By

Type a multiple of 10 (from 10 to 100) to be used as the increment when entering work order step numbers automatically in Routing Maintenance or Work Order Entry.


Retain Work Order Transaction Detail

Select this check box to retain transaction detail for work orders in the Cost Ledger file. Because each work order can accumulate many transactions, this can require a large amount of disk storage space. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain transaction detail for work orders; the On Demand Cost Ledger cannot be printed.


Print WOs on Back Order Fill Report

Select this check box to include work order component requirement information on the Back Order Fill Report. Clear this check box to exclude work order component requirement information from the report.

Note This check box controls whether work order component requirement information prints on the Back Order Fill Report in this module and in the Sales Order, Inventory Management, and Purchase Order modules.


Future Days to Print Work Orders

Type the number of days in the future that work order component requirements will print on the Back Order Fill Report. This option is available only if the Print WOs on Back Order Fill Report check box is selected.


Print Picking Sheets

Select a method for printing picking sheets.

Note The Sort by Warehouse option is available only if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in the Inventory Management Options window.


Sort Items by Bin Location

Select this check box to sort items by bin location on picking sheets. Picking sheets sort by step number first, and then by bin location. Clear this check box to sort items by item code. This check box is available only if Sort by Warehouse or Sort by Work Order is selected in the Print Picking Sheets field.


Page Break by Step Number

Select this check box to print each step number of the picking sheet on a separate page. Clear this check box to print multiple steps per page. This check box is available only if Sort by Warehouse or Sort by Work Order is selected in the Print Picking Sheets field.


Print Picking Sheets Upon Work Order Release

Select this check box to select picking sheets for printing automatically when work orders are released during Work Order Transaction Entry. A picking sheet is only printed for a work order if the Print Pick Sheet check box is selected in Work Order Entry for the work order. Clear this check box to manually select work orders for which picking sheets will print during Picking Sheet Printing. This check box is available only if Sort by Warehouse or Sort by Work Order is selected in the Print Picking Sheets field.


Allow Memo Inquiry from Data Entry

Select a method that determines if memo inquiry is allowed during data entry.

Memos can contain information pertinent to a specific work order.


Addition of Work Centers and Op Codes

Select a method that determines if work centers and operation codes can be added on the fly in Routing Maintenance and Work Order Entry.


Work Order Issue Method

Select an issue method to determine how material, labor, and outside processing transactions are created. The issue method selected in this field determines the default setting in the Issue Method field in the Work Order Entry window.


Auto Issue Material Transactions

Select a method that determines whether material transactions are automatically generated.


Auto Issue Material Shortage Report Format

Select a format for the Auto Issue Material Shortage Report.

Note If Manual is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field, material transactions are not automatically created.


Auto Generate Labor Transactions

Select this check box to automatically create labor transactions for work orders on their release if Automatic is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field and for work orders on their completion if Backflush is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically create labor transactions. This option is available for all cost completion methods.

Note If Manual is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field, labor transactions are not automatically created.


Auto Generate Outside Processing

Select this check box to automatically generate outside processing transactions for work orders on their release if Automatic is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field and for work orders on their completion if Backflush is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically generate outside processing transactions. This option is available for all cost completion methods.

Note If Manual is selected in the Work Order Issue Method field, outside processing transactions are not automatically created.


2. Additional


Print Missing Cost Report

Select an option for printing the missing cost report.

Missing costs can be caused by transactions not being entered or by the actual cost being less than the planned cost.

Note If Yes is selected at both the Completion Print Missing Cost Report and Close Print Missing Cost Report fields, and if completion and close transactions are entered for the same work order, only the Close Missing Cost Report prints.


Minimum Variance Percent to Print (Missing Cost)

Type the percentage used to indicate a missing cost entry. Any completed work order that shows cost variances that are less than the planned cost, and the variance is equal to or greater than the percentage entered here, prints on the Completion Missing Cost Report or the Close Missing Cost Report, depending on whether the selection for this option is made in the Completion Options or Close section in the Work Order Options window. This field is available only if Yes or One W/O per Page is selected in the Print Missing Cost Report field.


Print Var from Standards Rpt

Select an option for printing the variance from standards report.

Any completed work order that shows a cost variance from the planned cost, and the variance is equal to or greater than the percentage entered in the Minimum Variance Percent to Print field, prints on the Completion Variance From Standards Report or the Close Variance From Standards Report, depending on whether the selection for this option is made in the Completion or Close Options section in the Work Order Options window.

Note If Yes is selected at both the Completion Print Var from Standards Rpt and Close Print Var from Standards Rpt fields, and if completion and close transactions are entered for the same work order, only the Close Variance from Standards report prints.


Minimum Variance Percent to Print (Variance)

Type the percentage that a work order must vary in order to be printed on the Completion Variance From Standards Report or the Close Variance From Standards Report, depending on whether the selection for this option is made in the Completion or Close Options section in the Work Order Options window. Any completed work order that shows a cost variance from the planned cost applied, and the variance is equal to or greater than the entered percentage, prints on the report. This field is available only if Yes or One W/O per Page is selected in the Print Var from Standards Rpt field.


Print Back Order Fill Report

Select this check box to print the Back Order Fill Report following the Work Order Transaction Journal update if completion transactions are entered. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the report. The Back Order Fill Report prints the back orders that can be filled from completed work orders.


Print WO Close Cost Ledger

Select an option for printing the work order close cost ledger.

The Work Order Close Cost Ledger shows all transactions posted to the work order since it was opened. This option is available only if the Retain Work Order Transaction Detail check box is selected in the Work Order Options window.


Max Number of Months to Schedule

Type the maximum number of months that work order scheduling can be performed without interruption. If work order scheduling exceeds the maximum number of months, a warning message appears; however, scheduling can still proceed.

Note If no maximum number is entered, or if a large number of months is entered, scheduling can take a considerable amount of time to perform.


Print Work Order Labels

Labels print following the Work Order Transaction Journal update if completion transactions are entered. Select the type of items for which work order labels will be printed.


Explode Sub-Assemblies During Work Order Entry

Select this check box to explode subassemblies during Work Order Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to explode subassemblies during Work Order Entry. Your selection in this field appears as the default in Work Order Entry. This field is available only if the Bill of Materials module is integrated with Work Order and if Material Requirements Planning is not installed.


Allow Batch Entry

Select this check box to enable batch entry in Work Order Transaction Entry. Clear this check box to disable the Batch Entry option.


Batch Entry Override Password

Type the password required to override batch entry. This password is requested when a user attempts to access a private batch created by another user, or attempts to change the Private Batch status for a batch created by another user. If you do not want to secure the override feature, leave this field blank. This field is available only if the Allow Batch Entry check box is selected.


Next Batch Number

Type the next batch number to be assigned when using the Automatic Batch Entry feature in Work Order Transaction Entry. This field is available only if the Allow Batch Entry check box is selected.


3. User-Defined


Require Departments for Employees

Select this check box to include a two-digit departmental identification number as the leading component of all production employee numbers. Clear this check box to exclude the departmental identification number. If you use departments in the Payroll module, selecting this check box allows you to use the same type of numbers assigned to payroll employees.


Retain Work Order History

Select this check box to retain work order history information. The header, completion, and memo information for work orders is retained; this information can be printed on the Work Order History Report and viewed using Work Order History Inquiry. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain this information.


Retain Work Order Line Detail

Select this check box to retain line detail, summary quantities, and costs for each step and each component. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain this information. This check box is available only if the Retain Work Order History check box is selected.


Retain Transaction History

Select this check box to retain transaction history information; this can require a large amount of disk storage space. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain this information. This check box is available only if the Retain Work Order Line Detail, Retain Work Order History, and Retain Work Order Transaction Detail check boxes are selected.


History Purge Option Password

Type the password required to purge production history. This password must be entered if the Purge button is clicked in the Work Order History Report window. If you do not want to secure the Purge Work Order History task, leave this field blank.


Next Automatic Work Order Number

Type the next work order number to be assigned in the Work Order Entry window when the Next Order No. button is clicked.


Next Automatic Work Order Template Number

Type the next work order template number to be assigned in the Work Order Entry window when the Next Order No. button is clicked while creating a template. A template is a standardized method for manufacturing a product that can be copied to create new work orders. For more information, see Create and Use a Work Order Template.


Next Automatic Work Order Transaction Number

Type the next work order transaction number to be assigned in the Work Order Transaction Entry window when the Next Transaction No. button is clicked.


Number of Days to Retain Closed Work Orders

Type the number of days to retain closed work orders in the Open Work Order file until Work Order Purge is performed. Enter 0 (zero) to purge work orders immediately after a close transaction is entered.


Cost Completion Method

Select a cost completion method to determine which costs are used to calculate the completion unit cost.

Note If Automatic or Backflush is selected in the Issue Method field on the Work Order Entry Header tab and the Auto Generate Labor and Auto Generate Out-Process check boxes are selected on the Work Order Entry Additional tab, labor and outside processing transactions are automatically created for work orders.

Work orders created with the Manual or Backflush issue method have a zero balance in the Work in Process accrual account after each completion entry is recorded. Whether the cost in the Work in Process accrual account represents the full-planned quantity or a partial quantity, the system assumes that all costs applicable to the completion entry are entered and that the cost in the Work in Process accrual account represents only that completion entry. For example, if the planned quantity for the work order is 100 items and you are processing a completion entry for the first 50 items, 100 percent of the cost in the Work in Process accrual account is used in the completion calculation for the 50 items.

Work orders created when Automatic is selected in the Issue Method field on the Work Order Entry Header tab use the work order percent complete amount to allocate the costs updated to the Work in Process accrual account before the completion entry is recorded. This method leaves a zero balance in the Work in Process accrual account when the last completion entry for the work order is recorded.


User-Defined Fields (1 through 4) Description

Type a description for each user-defined field. These fields are used to categorize work orders by type or to indicate additional dates. You can also use the user-defined fields to sort information on reports. Each description entered appears as a field name in the Work Order Entry window.


Data Type

Select the type of data stored in the user-defined field.

As you establish the record for each work order in Work Order Entry, you can enter text at each field defined as text oriented, and you can enter a date at each field defined as date oriented. If you leave a User-Defined Field Description field blank during this setup, that sort field is not available during data entry or report printing.

Warning Modifying a user-defined field with work orders on file causes previous data entered in the field to be deleted.


4. Integrate


Work Order Scrap

Enter the general ledger account number to be debited when a portion of a work order is scrapped, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. Any remaining costs in "work in process" after all work order completion transactions are processed are debited to this account when the work order is closed.


Default Special Item Purchases

Enter the general ledger account number that will appear as the default in Work Order Transaction Entry when posting completion transactions for noninventory items, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is debited with the value of any special items being completed.


Default WIP Direct

Enter the general ledger account number to use in Work Order Transaction Entry to post the direct cost of work in process (material, labor, and outside processing costs), or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.


Default WIP Fixed Overhead

Enter the general ledger account number to use in Work Order Transaction Entry to post the work-in-process fixed overhead amount, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.


Default WIP Variable Overhead

Enter the general ledger account number to use in Work Order Transaction Entry to post the work-in-process variable overhead amount, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.


Default Applied Direct

Enter the general ledger account number to use as the offsetting account to the Work in Process Direct account for most labor or machine operations, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.


Default Applied Fixed Overhead

Enter the general ledger account number to use as the offsetting account to the Work in Process Fixed Overhead account for posting fixed overhead costs, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.


Default Applied Variable Overhead

Enter the general ledger account number to use as the offsetting account to the Work in Process Variable Overhead account for posting variable overhead costs, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.


(Integrate Work Order with) General Ledger

Select this check box to integrate the Work Order module with General Ledger. Clear this check box if you do not want any general ledger postings from the Work Order module to be updated to the general ledger or post to the General Ledger Posting Recap.


(Integrate Work Order with) Sales Order

Select this check box next to integrate the Work Order module with Sales Order. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Work Order module with Sales Order.

When these modules are integrated, options entered on a sales order automatically flow through to the work order. The Back Order Fill Report prints a list of sales orders you can fill when work orders are completed. The Work Order module is used for tracking the work needed to fulfill the customer's sales order.

5. Forms


Graphical Forms

Select the check box for an item to print it in a graphical format using SAP Crystal Reports. Clear the check box for an item to print it in a nongraphical format. The check boxes are automatically selected by default.


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