Count Card Entry


Window Details


How Do I...



Process a Physical Count






Related Topics


Default Values for Count Card Entry

Missing Count Card Listing

Count Card Report

Count Card Variance Register

Physical Count Entry




Select Inventory Management Physical Count menu > Count Card Entry.


Use Count Card Entry to enter physical count information by count card. After entering all of your physical count information, print the Missing Count Card Listing to determine if any cards have not been entered.

Click the Defaults button to open the Default Values for Count Card Entry window, which allows you to enter default values, such as the default warehouse.

Multiple users can access this task simultaneously to enter data for different count card numbers.

After entering physical count information, print the Count Card Report to view the entries and print the Count Card Variance Register. You will then see a message asking if you want to update the count card data to Physical Count Entry. After the update, use Physical Count Entry to make adjustments to the count card data or to add additional physical count information.





Count Card Number

Quick Row

Line Number


Item Code

Lot/Serial No.

Quantity Counted

Count Card Comment


Bin Location

U/M Used for Count

Standard U/M

Inventory Cycle

Product Line

Product Type
