J/C Time Track Selection


Window Details


How Do I...



Post Time Track Entry Costs for Jobs












Select Job Cost Time Track menu > Time Track Selection.

Note This task is available if the Payroll module is set up and the Enable Time Track for TimeCard check box is selected in Job Cost Options.


Use J/C Time Track Selection to select Time Track time entry records that include job codes so that the associated costs can be posted to Job Cost.

You can select time entry records based on the date range, employee number, department worked, labor code, earnings code, and user ID of the person who created the entry.

Note If you have departments set up in the Payroll module, you must have access to all departments to use this task.

You can click Clear to clear the selected entries. This will clear the entries selected during the current session in addition to any selected during a previous session.

After making your selections, click the Print button to print and update the Time Track Register.



Operand Value