Payroll Tax Update


Window Details
















Select Payroll Utilities menu > Payroll Tax Update.


Use this task to download and install the latest payroll tax update. The update may include new or updated tax types, tax rates, unemployment limits, and other settings that affect payroll tax calculations.

Standard (non-company specific) tax rates are automatically associated with the correct effective date. Some updates require additional steps that you must manually complete. For example, if a tax jurisdiction implements a new tax with company-specific rates, you must enter your company's rate and effective date in Company Tax Group Setup.

Print the Payroll Tax Update Report to see what changes are included in an update.

Before installing an update:

The Current Status field displays one of the following:

If you've downloaded a tax update but not installed it, you can click the Reset button to reset the current status and delete any downloaded files that have not been installed. This is useful if you don't install the update right away, and a newer update becomes available.

Tip After installing the tax update, run the two utilities available in Payroll Status Check to see if any changes are needed.




Force Payroll Tax Update