Payroll Status Check - Fields


Payroll Status Check


Select a utility to run.

  • Select Setup to checks for several types of issues, including missing information in employee, tax, earnings code, and deduction code records.
  • Select Missing/Other Local Taxes Utility to check for missing employee tax records for local and other taxes. These are taxes that were likely combined with another tax in earlier versions of the Payroll module but are now handled separately.


Test Source

This field shows which type of record was checked and can only be viewed.

This field is available if Setup is selected in the Test field.


Employee No.

This field displays the employee number of the employee who has missing tax records.

This field is available if Missing Other/Local Taxes Utility is selected in the Test field and can only be viewed.



This field displays the results returned after running the selected utility.

  • If no problems were found, OK appears in this field.
  • If Warning appears, it means that issues were found that may cause unintended results or errors when processing payroll.
  • If Errors appears, it means that issues were found that will result in errors when processing payroll.

If Warning or Errors appears in a field, click in that field to view more information.