Price Level Inquiry - Fields


Price Level Inquiry

Item Code

This field displays the item code for the line item selected and can only be viewed.


Customer Number

This field displays the customer number and can only be viewed.


Price Level

This field displays the price level defaulted for the line item and can only be viewed. The default price level is defined in Price Level by Customer Maintenance.


Product Line

This field displays the product line for the line item and can only be viewed. Product lines are defined in Product Line Maintenance.


Price Code/Ship-To Code

If Price Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, this field displays the price code for the line item and can only be viewed. Price codes are defined in Price Code Maintenance.

If Ship-To Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, this field displays the ship-to code for the line item and can only be viewed. Ship-to codes are defined in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance.


Effective Date

This field displays the price level effective date and can only be viewed.


End Date

This field displays the price level end date and can only be viewed.