Add an Item to a Panel


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Expand/Collapse item  Overview

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin


To add an item to a panel

  1. Select Custom Office Main menu > Customizer Selection.

  2. Select the panel to add an item to. For more information, see Select a Panel.

  3. On the Customizer Toolbar, select the type of item to add by clicking the link control, field, text, or frame item button.

  1. On the panel, click and drag to position and size the item. The corresponding maintenance window appears. For example, if you are adding text to a panel, the Text Definition dialog box appears.

  2. In the maintenance window, set the properties for the current control by entering the appropriate fields.

  3. Use one of the following sizing methods to size the item, if necessary:

  4. To size the item by entering numeric values, click the Options tab. In the Column, Row, Width, and Height fields, enter the appropriate values.

  5. To size the item automatically, click the Options tab. Click Auto Size.

Note  Auto Size is not available for UDFs.

  1. Click OK.

The item is added to the panel.

To resize the item after adding it to the panel, double-click, hold, and drag the item. A blue rectangle appears around the item as you are resizing it.