Customer Sales
History / Vendor Receipt History
This field displays the item code for which to view detailed sales history by customer or detailed receipt history by vendor information.
When selected from Customer Maintenance or Vendor Maintenance, you can enter the item code, or click the Lookup button to list all item codes.
Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.
Click the Item Inquiry button to view information for the selected item.
This field displays the customer or vendor number for which to view detailed sales history or detailed receipt history by item.
Click the Alias button to select the customer or vendor alias item. Click the Pricing button to view the customer or vendor price level for the item selected. These options are available only in the Customer Maintenance and Vendor Maintenance windows.
When selected from Item Maintenance, you can enter the vendor or customer number, or click the Lookup button to list all vendor or customer numbers.
Alternately, start typing a vendor or customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the vendor or customer number will appear in the field.
Click the Item Customer or Item Vendor Lookup button to view items sold or purchased for the selected customer or vendor.
This field displays the item description, and can only be viewed.
This field displays the customer or vendor name, and can only be viewed.
Enter the ship-to code, or click the Lookup button to list all ship-to codes. Click the Switch Ship To button to view details in the grid for all ship-to addresses. This field is available only for customer information.
Select the year to use when viewing detailed sales history by customer or detailed receipt history by vendor information. This field defaults to the current year.
Use this grid to view detailed sales history by customer or detailed receipt history by vendor information.
The buttons located to the right of the grid allow you to switch views to see additional information with prior year comparisons, as well as drill into transaction detail.