Paperless Office Delivery Options (Employee Maintenance) - Fields


Paperless Office Delivery Options (Employee Maintenance)

Employee No.

This field displays the employee number entered in Employee Maintenance, and can only be viewed.


Last Name

This field displays the last name of the employee entered in Employee Maintenance, and can only be viewed.


First Name

This field displays the first name of the employee entered in Employee Maintenance, and can only be viewed.



Select the form for which you are setting up delivery options. This field displays all Payroll forms set up for employees in Form Maintenance. If only one form is set up, this field displays that form and can only be viewed.



Select this check box to print a hard copy of the form in addition to storing it as a PDF document. Some Paperless Office output options are available in printing windows only if this check box is selected. For more information, see Paperless Office Output Options.



Select this check box to e-mail the form to the e-mail address entered in the E-mail Address field, in addition to storing it as a PDF document. The forms are e-mailed to employees as PDF attachments, with one PDF document attached to each e-mail.

Clear this check box to store the form as a PDF document without sending it by e-mail.

This check box is available only if the Forms check box is selected in Form Maintenance.



Enter the employee's password to use for opening the form in PDF format. You can type up to 32 characters. Passwords are case-sensitive.



Enter the e-mail address to use in the To field when emailing the form. Only one e-mail address can be entered in this field, but multiple e-mail addresses can be entered in the Cc and Bcc fields.

Click E-mail Password to send the password to the e-mail address entered. If the employee's Social Security number is used as the password, it is not included in the email. Instead the message indicates that the Social Security number is the password. The password e-mail is not sent to the e-mail address entered in the Cc or Bcc fields.

The E-mail Password button is available only if you've entered a password and e-mail address. The sender e-mail address is the one entered in the From E-mail Address field in Form Maintenance. If the field in Form Maintenance is blank, the address entered in the E-mail Address field in Company Maintenance is used instead.



Enter the e-mail address to use in the Cc field when emailing the form. Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple e-mail addresses.



Enter the e-mail address to use in the Bcc field when emailing the form. Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple e-mail addresses.