LOCAL cListingTitle$="Setup Wizard" |
LOCAL cSetupComplete=isTRUE |
LOCAL cOriginalCustomerNoLength=7 |
LOCAL Pnl_Welcome$="" |
LOCAL Pnl_Customers_Header$="Define Your Customer Configuration" |
LOCAL Pnl_Customers_Div$=" Accounts Receivable Division: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Customers_AutoInc$=" Automatically Increment Customer Number: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Customers_OIBF$=" Open Item or Balance Forward: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Expansion_Header$="Set Customer Number Expansion Option" |
LOCAL Pnl_Expansion_Customer_Number$=" Allow the Entry of Expanded Customer Numbers: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_Header$="Define Invoice Aging Options" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_AgeBy$=" Age Invoices By: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_Cat$=" Aging Categories to be used: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_Cat1$=" Aging Category 1: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_Cat2$=" Aging Category 2: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_Cat3$=" Aging Category 3: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Aging_Cat4$=" Aging Category 4: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Credit_Header$="Define Customer Credit Limit Checking" |
LOCAL Pnl_Credit_Checking$=" Credit Limit Checking: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Credit_AgingCat$=" Aging Category: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Comm_Header$="Define Salesperson Commission Reporting" |
LOCAL Pnl_Comm_Reporting$=" Salesperson Commission Reporting: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Comm_Paid$=" Commission Paid on Paid Invoices Only: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Comm_Calc$=" Calculation Based On: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Comm_Modules$=" Update Commissions to Other Modules: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Header$="Define Finance Charges" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Comp$=" Computation Method: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Cat$=" Aging Category for Calculation: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Days$=" Days Past Due for Calculation: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Exclude$=" Exclude Existing Finance Charges from Calculation: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Rate$=" Standard Charge Rate: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_Amt$=" Standard Charge Amount: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_MinBal$=" Minimum Balance to Apply Charges: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FinChrg_MinCharge$=" Minimum Charge to Apply: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_Header$="Configure Additional Options" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_Year$=" Current Fiscal Year: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_Period$=" Current Period: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_BillTo$=" National Accounts Reporting: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_SalesTax$=" Sales Tax Reporting: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_Invoice$=" Next Automatic Invoice Number: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_InvBatch$=" Batch Processing for Invoice Entry: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Additional_CashBatch$=" Batch Processing for Cash Receipts Entry: %1" |
InBrowse, ViewOnly |
cListingClass$ |
HasRights(), RefreshBindings(), SetDocDateWarnOff(), SetUIRecord(), SetVar(), AddSuppressedMsg(), BindVariables(), BT_Accept(), BT_AcceptClose(), BT_Cancel(), BT_CancelClose(), BT_Delete(), BT_First(), BT_Last(), BT_List(), BT_Listing(), BT_Next(), BT_Office(), BT_OKView(), BT_Prev(), BT_Print(), CheckMemo(), ClassPushMemoBtn(), ConfirmDelete(), ConfirmWrite(), DefaultChange(), DisplayErrorMsg(), DisplayMemoButton(), DisplayWriteError(), ExplodeIOL(), GetBusinessObject(), GetControlID(), GetFirstID(), HandleDocumentDateWarning(), HasMemos(), HidePopupMenu(), InitBusinessObject(), KeyChange(), LaunchMemo(), OnExit(), PostLoad(), QuickConfirmWrite(), PERFORM ResolveMemoParameters(), ReturnToCtlOrGrid(), PERFORM RtrnToCTLOrGrid(), SetBusinessObject(), SetFocusFailedID(), SetFocusFirstID(), SetFormDisplay(), SetFormState(), SetInitialRecord(), SetNumericVal(), SetStringVal() |
GetPort(), GetPrinters$(), ValidatePrinter(), PERFORM CheckTerminalServicesPrinters(), InitializeDB_Output(), PERFORM InitPrinterList(), PERFORM RemovePDFDevices() |
PROCESS(), ReadControl$(), ReadControlNext$(), AddCompletionText(), AddDialog(), AddSwitch(), BT_WizardListing(), BT_WIZBACK(), BT_WIZCANCEL(), BT_WIZFINISH(), BT_WIZNEXT(), DeleteControl(), DeletePanel(), MESSAGE$(), ModifyCompletionText(), ONEXIT(), PanelFound(), POSTLOAD(), RemoveCompletionText(), ReturnCompletionText$(), WriteControl() |
![]() |