LOCAL cEntityName$ |
LOCAL cDebitOrientation |
LOCAL cMainAccountMemoTag$ |
LOCAL cBT_PrintTask$ |
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Budget() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Comment() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_HistoryView() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_HistoryView(viewOK) Function will hide/show the appropriate columns in the history view, using the current value of cHistoryView | ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Memo() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Reverse() Button to initiate Journal reversal processing | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Search() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Search1() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Search1(rowKey$, fileCh) This search button will invoke the appropriate document drilldown from the Transaction panel, be it a summary G/L drill down or a specific AP, or AR invoice inquiry screen. This function is also invoked when double-clicking or pressing enter on the transaction list box. | ||||||||
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| ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Search2() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Search2(rowKey$) This search button will invoke the G/L Journal Drill down, from the Transaction Panel, and display information on the rowKey$ provided, if not provided, will use the currently selected row in the transaction screen. | ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_Search3() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_SmryComment() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL BT_SmrySearch() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ChangeAccount() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ChangeDateEnd() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ChangeDateStart() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ChangeDB_Year() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ChangeLB_SmryDtl() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ChangeLB_TransDtl() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ClassChangeGrid(gridCtl) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ConfirmDelete() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL LoadHistoryGrid() Loads the History grid with the information based on currently selected Fiscal Year. | ||||||||
| ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL LoadRowGD_History(gridCtl, cRow) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL LoadRowGD_Variance(gridCtl, cRow) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL LoadTransDtlListBox() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL LoadTransDtlListBox(fiscalYearWhere$, transDetailWhere$) Loads the Transaction Detail list box, on the Transaction panel with data for the currently selected account. This will either be by current fiscal year or a given where clause for fiscal year and transaction detail. | ||||||||
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| ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL LoadVarianceGrid() Loads the Variance grid with the information based on currently selected Fiscal Year. | ||||||||
| ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnExit() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnExitpHistory() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnExitpMain() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnExitpTransDtl() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnExitpVariance() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnFocusDateEnd() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnFocusDateStart() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnFocusGD_Variance() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnFocusLB_SmryDtl() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL OnFocusLB_TransDtl() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostLoad() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostLoadpHistory() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostLoadpMain() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostLoadpTransDtl() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostLoadpVariance() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostReadRec() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PreLoad() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL RowModsGD_History(gridCtl, cRow) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL RowModsGD_Variance(gridCtl, cRow) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL SetColumnColors(begBal, netChange, endBal) Set columns colour depending on whether the system option to use red to display negatives. This will set the colour variables for the Beginning Balance, Ending Balance, and Net Change columns. | ||||||||
| ||||||||
cAutoCompCellTypes$, cCentreCellTypes$, cEnterLikeTab$, cGridDefaultRowHeight, cLookupCellTypes$, cSearchDialogueCreated, cExcelInstalled, cAllUsers$, cAllComps$, cAllWrks$, cOpenedNOMADSGridTable, cLocalGridVariablesSet, GridIOL$ |
InBrowse, ViewOnly |
ClassChangeAccount(), ClassValidateAccount$(), GetAccountInputLength(), PopupAccountEntry(), PopUpMemoMainAccount() |
AddColumn(), ClassChangeGrid(), ClassInitializeGrid(), ClassOnFocusGrid(), ClearGrid(), DisableGrid(), DropColumn(), DropRow(), EnableGrid(), ExportToExcel(), FindColumnHeader(), FreezeColumn(), GetALEColumnInfo(), GetColumnAttributes(), GetGridIndex(), GetGridIOLIST$(), GotoCell(), GotoColumn(), GotoRow(), HideColumn(), InitializeRow(), InsertRow(), IsColumnHideAble(), IsColumnInGrid(), IsColumnMoveAble(), LoadGrid(), LoadRow(), LockGrid(), OnExitWithGrid(), ParseQuickString(), RefreshGridBindings(), RemoveGridFocus(), SaveGridSettings(), SaveRow(), SetColumnAttributes(), SetColumnAttributesHeadersMain(), SetColumnAttributesHeadersSec(), SetGridPresets(), SetupGrid(), ShowColumn(), ShowColumns(), ShowRow(), AddGroups(), AdjustNomadsInfo(), BT_RowDel(), BT_RowDown(), BT_RowIns(), BT_RowSearch(), BT_RowUp(), ChangeML_GotoLine(), ClearNomadsInfo(), CloneNomadsInfo(), CloseSearchWindow(), DoColumnChange(), DoSave(), PERFORM DoSearch(), FindNextCell(), FormatDate$(), FormatRow(), GetRowLockState(), GetWdwForCtl(), HasRowChanged(), IsColumnHidden(), IsCtlGrid(), OpenSearchWindow(), PERFORM PaintCell(), ParseIOList$(), ParseRowTag$(), PopulateGridBindings(), PutTick(), RemoveGridCustomization(), RemoveNomadsInfo(), ResetSecInitPropLists(), PERFORM ResolveFormatters(), ResolveGroups(), RestoreGridAutoComplete(), RestoreNomadsInfo(), ReturnToField(), SetButtonState(), SetButtonStateFirstRow(), SetButtonStateInsertRow(), SetButtonStateLastRow(), SetButtonStateNoRow(), SetButtonStateOtherRow(), SetColumnGroupState(), SetColumnState(), SetGridAutoComplete(), PERFORM SetGridHeaders(), PERFORM SetGridIOLISTS(), SetGridSecurity(), SetGridSize(), SetLocalGridVariables(), SetPopupStatus(), SetRowLockState(), SetRowState(), SetupNomadsInfo(), ShowSearchResult(), TestAutoCompleteObj() |
HasRights(), RefreshBindings(), SetDocDateWarnOff(), SetUIRecord(), SetVar(), AddSuppressedMsg(), BindVariables(), BT_Accept(), BT_AcceptClose(), BT_Cancel(), BT_CancelClose(), BT_Delete(), BT_First(), BT_Last(), BT_List(), BT_Listing(), BT_Next(), BT_Office(), BT_OKView(), BT_Prev(), BT_Print(), CheckMemo(), ClassPushMemoBtn(), ConfirmDelete(), ConfirmWrite(), DefaultChange(), DisplayErrorMsg(), DisplayMemoButton(), DisplayWriteError(), ExplodeIOL(), GetBusinessObject(), GetControlID(), GetFirstID(), HandleDocumentDateWarning(), HasMemos(), HidePopupMenu(), InitBusinessObject(), KeyChange(), LaunchMemo(), OnExit(), PostLoad(), QuickConfirmWrite(), PERFORM ResolveMemoParameters(), ReturnToCtlOrGrid(), PERFORM RtrnToCTLOrGrid(), SetBusinessObject(), SetFocusFailedID(), SetFocusFirstID(), SetFormDisplay(), SetFormState(), SetInitialRecord(), SetNumericVal(), SetStringVal() |