LOCAL cModuleCode$="G/L" |
LOCAL cMaintenanceOption=1 |
LOCAL cSelectionGrid=GD_Select.CTL |
LOCAL cListingTitle$="Exchange Wizard" |
LOCAL Pnl_Welcome$="You have selected to create a new exchange setting" |
LOCAL Pnl_Welcome2$="You have selected to modify the %1 exchange setting" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec_Header$="Create New Exchange Settings" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec_Method$=" Method Selected: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec2a_Header$="Create New Exchange Export Type" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec2a_Type$=" Exchange Data Type: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec2b_Header$="Create New Import Export Type" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec2b_Type$=" Exchange Data Type: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec3_Header$="Specify an Exchange Name" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec3_Name$=" Exchange Setting Name: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_NewSpec3_Desc$=" Exchange Description: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_BudAct_Header$="Budget or Activity Export Options" |
LOCAL Pnl_BudAct_Type$=" You have selected to export %1 for" |
LOCAL Pnl_BudAct_Year$=" Fiscal Year %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Budgets_Header$="Budget Import Options" |
LOCAL Pnl_Budgets_Budget$=" Budget to Import: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Budgets_Year$=" Fiscal Year %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Statuses_Header$="You have selected to include accounts with the following statuses:" |
LOCAL Pnl_Statuses_Active$=" %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Statuses_InActive$=" %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Statuses_Deleted$=" %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Accounts_Header$="Additional Options for Accounts and Budgets" |
LOCAL Pnl_Accounts_Expired$=" Exclude Expired Accounts: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_AccCreate_Header$="Account Creation Options" |
LOCAL Pnl_AccCreate_Main$=" Create main account as needed: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_AccCreate_Sub$=" Create sub account as needed: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_ImpOpt_Header$="Exchange Options for Transaction Import" |
LOCAL Pnl_ImpOpt_OOB$=" Allow out-of-balance transactions: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_ImpOpt_SrcJrnl$=" Create source journal as needed: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_AcctSel_Header$="Select Accounts to Exchange" |
LOCAL Pnl_AcctSel_Field$=" Field: %1 Operand: %2 Value: %3 %4" |
LOCAL Pnl_TransSel_Header$="Select Transactions to Exchange" |
LOCAL Pnl_TransSel_Field$=" Field: %1 Operand: %2 Value: %3 %4" |
LOCAL Pnl_FileSpec_Header$="Exchange Format and File" |
LOCAL Pnl_FileSpec_Type$=" Exchange File Type: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_FileSpec_Name$=" Exchange File Name: %1" |
LOCAL Pnl_Format_Header$="Exchange File Format" |
LOCAL Pnl_Format_Format$=" You have selected: %1" |
InBrowse, ViewOnly |
cListingClass$ |
AccountStructure(), PERFORM AccountStructurePerf(), FixTable(), FixWhere(), ResolveSelectToken() |
HasRights(), RefreshBindings(), SetDocDateWarnOff(), SetUIRecord(), SetVar(), AddSuppressedMsg(), BindVariables(), BT_Accept(), BT_AcceptClose(), BT_Cancel(), BT_CancelClose(), BT_Delete(), BT_First(), BT_Last(), BT_List(), BT_Listing(), BT_Next(), BT_Office(), BT_OKView(), BT_Prev(), BT_Print(), CheckMemo(), ClassPushMemoBtn(), ConfirmDelete(), ConfirmWrite(), DefaultChange(), DisplayErrorMsg(), DisplayMemoButton(), DisplayWriteError(), ExplodeIOL(), GetBusinessObject(), GetControlID(), GetFirstID(), HandleDocumentDateWarning(), HasMemos(), HidePopupMenu(), InitBusinessObject(), KeyChange(), LaunchMemo(), OnExit(), PostLoad(), QuickConfirmWrite(), PERFORM ResolveMemoParameters(), ReturnToCtlOrGrid(), PERFORM RtrnToCTLOrGrid(), SetBusinessObject(), SetFocusFailedID(), SetFocusFirstID(), SetFormDisplay(), SetFormState(), SetInitialRecord(), SetNumericVal(), SetStringVal() |
PROCESS(), ReadControl$(), ReadControlNext$(), AddCompletionText(), AddDialog(), AddSwitch(), BT_WizardListing(), BT_WIZBACK(), BT_WIZCANCEL(), BT_WIZFINISH(), BT_WIZNEXT(), DeleteControl(), DeletePanel(), MESSAGE$(), ModifyCompletionText(), ONEXIT(), PanelFound(), POSTLOAD(), RemoveCompletionText(), ReturnCompletionText$(), WriteControl() |
![]() |