Class PO_ReceiptHistoryAppliedPO_svc




LOCAL cMainTable$="PO_ReceiptHistoryAppliedPO"  


FUNCTION FindHistory(purchaseOrderNo$, receiptType$, receiptNo$, receiptKey$, multiplePO$)  

Find History Record

purchaseOrderNo$ [input/output, string] purchase order number, if value passed in it will be used to search for a history record
receiptType$ [input/output, string] receipt type, if value passed in it will be used to search for a history record
receiptNo$ [input/output, string] receipt number, if value passed in it will be used to search for a history record
receiptKey$ [input/output, string] key to PO_ReceiptHistoryHeader record
multiplePO$ [output, string] multiple purchase orders applied, Y or N
Returns [integer] 1 for success, 0 for failure, -1 for warning

Properties inherited from: SY_Service

BOF, CurrentBrowseIndex$, CurrentIndex$, EOF, SecurityAccess

Methods inherited from: SY_Service

BindVariable(), CheckMainTable(), Clear(), Find(), FindById(), GetChildHandle(), GetChildKeyReference$(), GetColumns$(), GetDataSources$(), GetDataSourcesAddl$(), GetJson$(), GetKey$(), GetKeyColumns$(), GetKeyPadded$(), GetPartialRecord(), GetRecord(), GetRecordCount(), GetRecordEx(), GetResultSets(), GetTable$(), GetTablePath$(), GetValue(), GetValues(), IsValid(), MoveFirst(), MoveLast(), MoveNext(), MovePrevious(), ReadAdditional(), SetBrowseFilter(), SetBrowseIndex(), SetCacheMode(), SetIndex(), SetKeyValue(), SetParentColumns(), SetParentHandle(), SetUIHandle(), PERFORM ClearEditRcd(), FormatJson$(), GetAddlDataSources(), GetDateColumns$(), InitChildCollection(), MoveFirstLast(), MoveNextPrevious(), OpenMainTable(), ParseKeyDef(), PrepareKeyDef(), ReadRec(), ResolveColumnList$(), SetControls(), SetCurrentKey(), UseKeyColl()