LOCAL cActivityLogDelete$="D" [string] Constant to indicate activity log delete |
LOCAL cActivityLogDtlLevel$="L" [string] Constant to indicate the level of tracking for the activity log |
PROPERTY HeaderKy$ |
PROPERTY HeaderHasLines |
PROPERTY ReloadGrid [boolean] True/False value to indicate to the UI that the grid will have to be reloaded with new sequence keys. Currently used in the GetInsertSeq$() method. |
PROPERTY ValidHeader |
PROPERTY NumberOfLines=cNextLineKey-1 |
FUNCTION AccumulateBatchTotals() | ||||||||
FUNCTION AddIn() | ||||||||
FUNCTION AddLine() | ||||||||
FUNCTION AddPrimarySrc(src$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION BackOut() | ||||||||
FUNCTION ClearBindings() | ||||||||
FUNCTION ClearLine() | ||||||||
FUNCTION ClearSetFiles() | ||||||||
FUNCTION CommitRow() | ||||||||
FUNCTION DeleteLine(LineKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION DeleteLine() | ||||||||
FUNCTION EditLine(LineKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION GetBatchTotalVars(vars$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION GetBatchTotalVars(vars$, reverse) | ||||||||
FUNCTION GetEditKey$(key$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION GetInsertSeq$(InsertPoint$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION GetSequenceLengths(lineKeyLen, lineSeqLen) Returns the lengths of LineKey$ and LineSeqNo$ columns found in the detail table | ||||||||
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FUNCTION InitWorkTable() | ||||||||
FUNCTION InsertLine(InsertPoint$, placement$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION InsertLine(InsertPoint$) Function will generate a new LineSeqNo and create a new line ready for editting. By default the new key will be generated before the insert point given. If the line should be inserted after the insert point then populate the optional placement argument with an "A". Occasionally a resequencing will need to occur if many inserts are done at the same insert point. | ||||||||
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FUNCTION QuickRowLoad() | ||||||||
FUNCTION RemovePrimarySrc(src$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION RemovePrimarySrc() | ||||||||
FUNCTION ResequenceLine(lineKey$, newSeq$, newKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION ResetLine(LineKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION ResetRow(lineKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION SetBatchTotalVars(vars$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION SetHeader(HeaderKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION SetKey(LineKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION SetKey(LineKey$, InsertPoint$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION SwapLines(firstKey$, secondKey$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION ValidateLines() | ||||||||
FUNCTION Write() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ClearSetFileDeleteWorkTable(key$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ClearSetFileWorkTable(key$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CommitRowRemove(chan, key$) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CommitRowWrite(chan) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostDeleteRec() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL PostWriteRec() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL RenumberSequence() | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL RenumberSequence(matchKey$) This function takes all the lines currently in the working memory file and and resequences all the display keys using the cLineIncr. This is used when inserting lines, that bi-sects the sequence to come up with a unique sequence to a point where it can no longer be dissected. | ||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL SetKey(key$, orig) | ||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL WriteWorkTable(chan, key$) |
cActionWrite, cActionDelete, cActivityLogFilePrefix$, DocDateWarnDisplayed, DocDateWarnStatus, EditState, RecordChanged, FirstFailure$, DocumentTotal, ReadOnlyReason$, UDTValidation$, ViewOnly, CurrentPrecision, DocDateWarnForceOff, DocDateWarnObject, ScriptObject, ImportTest |
FileChanged |
ChangedRecordCompare(), ChangedRecordInfo(), Clear(), ClearRecord(), ConfirmDelete(), CopyFrom(), ExportToCSV(), GetColumnInfo(), GetColumnProperties$(), GetDefaults(), GetOrigRecord$(), GetPropertyValue(), GetValidationGroups$(), ResetDocDateWarnState(), SetCopyKeyValue(), SetDocDateWarnDisplayed(), SetDocDateWarnOff(), SetKey(), SetKeyValue(), SetPartialRecord(), SetRecord(), SetToReadOnly(), SetValue(), SetValues(), Write(), ActivityLogCreateFile(), ActivityLogPrepare(), ActivityLogSetMessage$(), ActivityLogWrite(), CallScript(), CheckForAdvancedFieldSettings(), CheckForScripts(), CheckNullRequiredField(), PERFORM ChildValidate(), ClassValidateDate(), ClassValidateTelephoneNo(), ClearSetFiles(), ColInfoInitAll(), ColInfoInitDefaults(), CommitRow(), GetPropertyCommon(), InitColInfo(), InitScriptEngine(), InitWorkTable(), IsColInIOList(), IsValid(), LoadColInfo(), OpenMainTable(), ParseExtField(), RemoveColToSkip(), ResetRow(), RetrieveColInfo(), SetDefaults(), SetFilter(), SetMode(), SetParentHandle(), SetValueNoValidate(), StoreColToSkip(), ValidateAll(), ValidateAllRecord(), ValidateColInfo(), ValidateRule() |
ClearSetFiles(), CommitRow(), QuickRowLoad(), ResetRow(), SeedDetailRow(), SetFilter(), SetMode() |
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