PROPERTY PathToContract$ Path and filename specifying the XSD file |
PROPERTY TargetNamespace$ The targetNamespace of the XSD |
PROPERTY SelectionNamespaces$ SelectionNamespaces used for XPath queries (implementation is unfinished) |
FUNCTION GenerateContract() | ||||||
FUNCTION GenerateContract(silent) Generates the XSD contract file from analysis of the ProvideX dictionary. | ||||||
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FUNCTION ListBaseResources(outList$) | ||||||
FUNCTION ListBaseResources(outList$, silent) Lists the base resources (not the complex multi-tiered ones) which require security setups. Intended use is for publishing information to Role Maintenance, guaranteeing that the list of resources in Role Maintenance is determined using the same rules that the contract generator uses. | ||||||
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FUNCTION LoadContract() Loads the XSD contract file with MSXML DOM. Useful for spotting XML mistakes. | ||||||
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FUNCTION ValidateSchema() Loads the XSD contract file with MSXML SOM. Useful for spotting violations of XSD standards. | ||||||
constSpecialResourceSuffix$, constSpecialResourceSuffix2$, constMaxFieldLength, constMaxTableNameLength, constResourceTypeLength, retHttpOK, retHttpCREATED, retHttpBADREQUEST, retHttpUNAUTHORIZED, retHttpFORBIDDEN, retHttpNOTFOUND, retHttpCONFLICT, retHttpGONE, retHttpPRECONDITIONFAILED, retHttpINTERNALSERVERERROR, retHttpSERVICEUNAVAILABLE, resourceTypeSIMPLE$, resourceTypeDETAIL$, resourceTypeDISTRIBUTION$, resourceTypeSY_SalesTaxSchedule$, resourceTypeSY_SalesTaxScheduleDetail$, resourceTypeAP_ManualCheckDetail$, resourceTypeAP_ManualCheckInvDetail$, resourceTypeSO_SalesOrderPayment$, resourceTypeSO_InvoicePayment$, resourceTypeIM_TransactionDetail$, resourceTypeIM_TransactionTierDist$ |
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