Multi-Line Definition - Fields


Multi-Line Definition

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1. Main


Initial Value

Type the default data to appear in the multi-line control. Initial values placed in a customized field must conform to the parameters of the company to which the custom library applies. For example, if you add an initial value to a multi-line control in a company that uses divisions, a hyphen is automatically added between the division number and the vendor ID, even if you typed a hyphen in the Initial Value field. As a result, the vendor number will include two hyphens.

Note This field may only be available for some modules.

Warning  Initial values are not always validated, which can cause invalid data to be updated. When setting initial values, verify they are valid.

Use the following guidelines to specify the initial value:

  • Do not specify an initial value that is invalid for that control. For example, do not enter alpha characters at a field that requires a numeric value. The Customizer module warns you if an invalid initial value is specified.

  • Do not specify an initial value for a control if the program is already setting a default value.

  • Do not specify initial values for key fields. For example, in the Purchase Order Entry window, do not specify an initial value for the Order Number field.

Warning Many programs have special logic to enable or disable controls based on an option or data entry. This logic may interfere with your customizations. Verify the behavior of the program after making custom changes.


Expand/Collapse item Entry Sample



Hot Key

Select a letter to designate as the hot key for the control.


Status Message

Type the status message to appear in the status bar.

Note This field may only be available for some modules.


Expand/Collapse item Entry Sample

Enter a password.


Tool Tip

Type the tool tip to appear when the mouse pointer is placed over the control.

Expand/Collapse item Entry Sample



Help Code

Assign a help code to specify the help text to display for the control. The code must be numeric and preceded by a pound (#) sign.

Expand/Collapse item Entry Sample



2. Data Validation


Data Validation Types

Select one of the following data validation types:

  • None: Customizer validation is not performed.

  • Specific: Enter the valid value that must be entered from the Specific field. This is the equivalent to a list box containing only one item.

  • Range: Enter the beginning and ending valid values inclusively. The range can be numeric or alphanumeric values.

  • List: Enter a list of valid values. Each line of the list is an acceptable value. Any number of items can be included in the list.


3. Options



Type the column position for the control. The column position is based on the number of columns from the left. To display columns, on the Customizer toolbar, click the Toggle Grid On/Off button.



Enter the row position for the control. The row position is based on the number of rows from the top. To display rows, on the Customizer toolbar, click the Toggle Grid On/Off button.



Type the width of the control.



Type the height of the control.



Select how the object is handled when resizing the window.

  • Select Fixed if you want the object’s position to remain fixed relative to the selected point in the Anchored field.

  • Select Auto if you want the object’s position to change based on window resizing.

This field is available only for windows that can be resized.



Select an anchor point that will determine the object’s position when the window is resized. This field is available only for windows that can be resized and if Fixed is selected in the Resize field.


Tab Stop

Select this check box to include the control in the forms tab sequence. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the control.



Select this check box to prevent data from being entered into the control. Clear this check box to allow data entry.



Select this check box to prevent the control from appearing on the form. Clear this check box if you want the control to appear on the form.



Select this check box to prevent the value from being changed. Clear this check box if you do not want to prevent the value from being changed.



Select this check box to have the control appear without a border. Clear this check box if you want the control to have a border.



Select this check box to include the Calculator button next to the field. Users can then click the button to calculate values using the onscreen calculator and enter them in the field. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the calculator button.

This field is available for numeric fields only.


Fixed Font

Select this check box to use the nonproportional fixed font for the contents of the control. Clear this check box if you do not want to use the nonproportional fixed font.



Select this check box to allow only uppercase characters to be entered. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow only uppercase characters to be entered.


Center Text

Select this check box to center the text on the control. Clear this check box if you do not want to center the text on the control.



Select this check box to right-justify the text on the control. Clear this check box if you do not want to right-justify the text.


Spell Check

Select this check box to enable spell checking for the control. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable spell checking.


Mask Display

Select this check box to display filled-in circles in place of the actual characters when data is entered into this field.

If the Mask Display check box in the Add/Edit Field window accessed through User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance is selected for the UDF that you're adding, this check box is selected by default. You must select the check box in this window to mask the input.

Note The data is not encrypted and it is masked only when displayed in task windows. For example, the actual characters would appear if this field is added to a lookup view or if you viewed the table in Data File Display and Maintenance.

This check box is available for String and Numeric data types.