User-Defined Script Maintenance - Fields


User-Defined Script Maintenance

Script ID

Enter the script ID, or click the Lookup button to list all script ID codes.

Note Only alphanumeric and underline characters are allowed. Spaces are automatically replaced with underscores.



Type the description of the script. The script ID automatically defaults when creating a new script.

Note A maximum of 32 characters are allowed.



Select the 3-digit priority number. This number represents the default order of precedence for multiple scripts assigned to the same event. If a script has the same priority number as another script, the scripts are compiled into one function. The priority number can be changed to control how the script is executed. The priority number 500 is automatically assigned when creating a new script.


Script File

Enter the file name containing the script, or click the Browse button to browse to the script file. The script ID and .vbs extension automatically default when creating a new script.



This list box displays the script text for the selected script ID, and can be modified.

  • Click the Save Script button to save recent edits to the script, and continue maintaining the script.

  • Click the Add button to add tables and columns to the script.

Note Highlight the text to replace, or position the cursor at the desired insertion point of the script.

  • Click the External Editor button to open an external text editor such as Notepad, or click the drop-down arrow to list all system text editors.

  • Click the Check Script button to perform a basic syntax check on the script before compiling.

Note This test performs only the basic syntax test of the script to see if it is acceptable to the Microsoft Script engine.

  • Click the Change Font button to change the font settings for the script.

  • Click Compile to compile the master scripts from each of the event scripts that are assigned to a table or column event.


Script Type to Compile

Select the type of scripts that you want to compile. This field appears only if you access User Defined Script Maintenance from the Custom Office Main menu.