Pending Changes Summary


Window Details
















Use one of the following methods to open this window:

Note This window is available if you purchased Sage 100 through a subscription plan.


Use Pending Changes Summary to view a list of user defined fields (UDFs) that have been modified in the work table but not in the local dictionary.

The list provides information about each UDF, including the user logon of the person who made the last change to the version in the work table and the date and time that it was changed.

Click Update All to update all pending changes to the local dictionary. During the update process, a message appears after changes for each table are updated. The message lets you know how many tables have yet to be updated, and you can either continue with the update process or stop and update the tables at a later time. If there's no response to the message within 30 seconds, the update process automatically continues.

You can use Task Scheduler to schedule the update for a time when no one will be using Sage 100.

Note You cannot run the Customizer Export Wizard or Customizer Import Wizard while there are pending changes.