Business Insights Dashboard Checklist


Use this checklist when setting up Business Insights.

  1. Define the setup options for the company logo and auto update parameters using Dashboard Options.

  1. Define the Home and Web pages using Dashboard Maintenance Wizard. After you finish defining your pages, the Home and Web pages will contain any data elements selected, in the order specified. For more information, see Set Up Business Insights Dashboard.

  1. Update the Business Insights Web pages. Business Insights updates occur either when the automatic update process runs, or when you are prompted with an update message and click Yes. For more information, see Start Automatic Dashboard Update. When Business Insights updates take place, the data needed to populate all the data elements plus any subsequent Web pages is calculated. The information is then merged using the Business Insights style sheet, setup option information, and templates to create the Web pages for each data element. These files are located in Program Files\Sage\Mas90\Htmlout\Xxx.

  1. Verify the accounting date of the Business Insights module is set to the correct date.

    The amount of time it takes to perform an update depends on several factors, such as hardware, data file sizes, and the number of other users on the system (other users may have files locked). Updates should be scheduled during off-hours.

     After a Business Insights update is performed, any previously generated Web pages are overwritten. Use the Save As feature in the browser to save each Web page in a secure location.