User ID Listing - Fields


User ID Listing

Print in Summary Format

Select this check box to print a summary listing. Clear this check box to print a detail listing.



Enter a range of company codes, or select the All check box to include all company codes. Click the Lookup button to list all company codes. This field defaults to the current company code.


Customer Number

Enter a range of customer numbers, or select the All check box to include all customer numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.



Select a printer or output method. The following output methods are available:

  • Select Deferred to save the report or listing to your hard drive for printing at a future time using Deferred Printing.

  • Select Export to export to a file type, such as PDF or Excel. The file can then be saved to your hard drive.

  • Select Data Only Export to export only the data portion of the report (excluding header information) to a file type, such as PDF or Excel. The file can then be saved to your hard drive or e-mailed.

    Note This option is available only if the report or listing contains header information.

  • Select Office Merge to export data to a Microsoft Word or Excel template. For more information, see Office Template Manager.

  • Select Paperless Office to e-mail, fax, or print the report as a PDF document. When you select this option and click Print, the Paperless Office Selection window appears and allows you to define recipient and message options.