Employee Tax Summary - Fields


Employee Tax Summary

Employee No.

This field displays the selected employee number and can only be viewed.


Tax Group

Select a tax group to view the employee's wage and tax information for that group. The tax groups available for the employee are maintained on the Taxes tab in Employee Maintenance.



Select the year for which you want to view wage and tax information.



Select the quarter for which you want to view wage and tax information.


Exclude Future Quarters in Year to Date Total

Select this check box if you want to exclude wage and tax values that have been entered for a future quarter in the year-to-date totals. Clear this check box to include future-quarter wage and tax values in the year-to-date totals.

1. Federal


Federal tax information

This tab displays a summary of the employee's federal taxes withheld for the selected year and quarter. This tab is available only if United States is entered in the Tax Group field, and the information can only be viewed.

2. State


State tax information

This tab displays a summary of the employee's state taxes withheld for the selected year and quarter. This tab is available only if a state tax group is entered in the Tax Group field, and the information can only be viewed.

If employees have earned wages that are subject to more than one tax that falls into the Other category, the word Multi appears in the Employee Other and/or Employer Other fields in the Wages section. To view a breakdown of the wage amounts for those fields:

  1. Click the arrow button in the top-right corner of the window, and select Detail.
  2. Select a row and then click the Tax History Detail button.
  3. Locate the applicable field in the Employee Other or Employer Other column, and click the drill-down button.

3. Local


Local tax information

This tab displays a summary of the employee's local taxes withheld for the selected year and quarter. This tab is available only if a local tax group is entered in the Tax Group field, and the information can only be viewed.

If employees have earned wages that are subject to more than one tax that falls into the Other category, the word Multi appears in the Employee Other and/or Employer Other fields in the Wages section. To view a breakdown of the wage amounts for those fields:

  1. Click the arrow button in the top-right corner of the window, and select Detail.
  2. Select a row and then click the Tax History Detail button.
  3. Locate the applicable field in the Employee Other or Employer Other column, and click the drill-down button.