This field displays the invoice number and can only be viewed. Click the Invoice History button to view the invoice history.
This field displays the customer number and can only be viewed. Click the Customer Zoom button to view customer information.
Click a column heading twice to sort the data in reverse order. Click a column heading to sort the list by that criteria. An arrow next to the heading indicates the current sort order. Double-clicking a line in the list box selects the line item.
Select the default value to appear during data entry in the Customer Action field for the selected item code on the Return Merchandise Authorization Entry Lines tab.
Select None to manually enter the Customer Action field during data entry.
Select Credit if the customer returns an item and wants a credit on account or the return amount applied to their credit card. If Credit is selected, a credit memo is generated in Sales Order Invoice Data Entry to return the item to stock or scrap and to credit the customer's account/credit card.
Select Replacement if the customer returns the item for replacement by the same or a different item. If Replacement is selected, a sales order is generated in Sales Order Entry to ship and bill the replacement item to the customer, and a credit memo is generated in Sales Order Invoice Data Entry to return the item to stock or scrap and credit the customer's account or credit card.
Select Repair if the customer returns the item for repair.
Note If Repair is selected, the value in the Unit Price field displays as zero dollars ($0.00), the CF check box is not available, and restocking charges are not calculated for the item code.
Select the default value to appear in the Item Action field for the selected item code during data entry on the Return Merchandise Authorization Entry Lines tab.
Select None to manually enter the Item Action field during data entry.
Select Stock if the item is being returned to a return warehouse, or to the original selling warehouse.
Select Scrap if the item is being returned to the scrap warehouse.
Select Repair if the item is being returned to a repair warehouse.
Note Repair is available only if the Track Repair Items Through Inventory check box is selected on the RMA Options Main tab.
Select None to manually enter the Vendor Action field during data entry.
Select Credit if you are returning the item to the vendor for credit. If Credit is selected, a return order is generated in Return of Goods Entry to return the item to the vendor for credit.
Select Replacement if you are returning the item to the vendor for replacement by the same or a different item. If Replacement is selected, a return order and purchase order is generated.
Note This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is integrated with Return Merchandise Authorization.
Enter the default value to appear in the Return Reason field for the selected item code on the Return Merchandise Authorization Entry Lines tab. Click the Lookup button to list all return reason codes.
Select this check box to specify the default value for the CS check box for the selected item code on the Return Merchandise Authorization Entry Lines tab. For example, if this check box is cleared, the CS check box will also be cleared.
Select this check box to specify the default value for the CF check box for the selected item code on the Return Merchandise Authorization Entry Lines tab. When this check box is selected, freight is credited to the customer on the credit memo for returned items.