Job Perform Logic (Import) - Fields


Job Perform Logic (Import)

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List Commands

Select one of the four options to control which type of commands are to be listed in the Command List list box.

You can edit a predefined command by selecting the command from the Command List list box.



Type the command to perform. A command can be an executable file or a ProvideX file name followed optionally by an entry label. To execute an external file immediately, type * (asterisk) followed by the "exe" command. To execute an external file and wait until the external program is complete, type ~ (tilde) followed by the "exe " command.

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Perform On

Specify the event that will trigger the command to perform.

  • Select Job Start to perform the command before the start of the job.

  • Select Success to perform the command upon successful completion of the job.

  • Select Failure to perform the command if the job was not completed successfully. Any validation failure will trigger this logic.