Pay Cycle


Window Details





Related Topics


Commission Edit Register


Salesperson Linking

Accounts Receivable Options

Payroll Data Entry



Select Accounts Receivable Period End menu > Commission Edit Register. In Commission Edit Register, click Proceed. Click Yes when prompted to update to Payroll.

This task is available only if the Update Commissions to Other Modules check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, and if Employee is selected in the Link Type field in the Salesperson Linking window for the salesperson.


Use this window to select the pay cycle for the current Payroll cycle.

If salesperson commissions are linked to Payroll employees, you must complete Payroll transactions before updating the Commission files.

The pay cycle determines the number of hours in the pay period. To calculate the hourly rate, these hours are divided into the total commissions due. The earnings code defaults from the Salesperson Link file. Records in the Payroll Data Entry files are developed for each salesperson linked to an employee.

After you have completed these salesperson commission updates, you can use the Payroll module to print and edit the Payroll Data Entry files.



Pay Cycle

Period Starting Date

Period Ending Date

Check Date

Deduction Period

Days Worked

Weeks Worked

Manual Taxes

Auto Deductions

Print Checks

Direct Deposit