Engineering Change Entry - Fields


Engineering Change Entry

Change Number

Enter the change number representing the engineering change to record, or click the Lookup button to list all change numbers. Click the Next Change Number button to automatically increment the change number for a new entry.



Type a description identifying this engineering change.

Click the Extended Change Description button to enter an extended description of the engineering change. For more information, see Change Text Maintenance.


1. Header


Effective Date

Enter the effective date for this change, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This date controls when the changes specified for the change number will take effect.



This field displays the status of the engineering change and can only be viewed.

  • New indicates that the engineering change has not been updated.

  • Applied indicates that the engineering change has been updated and applied to the bill.

  • Delete indicates that the engineering change has been previously deleted.


Last Effective Date

This field displays the last effective date of the change and can only be viewed.


Bill Number

Enter the bill number affected by this change, or click the Lookup button to list all bill numbers.

Right-click this field and select Item Maintenance or Item Quantity Inquiry to view additional information.


Bill Type

This field displays the bill type selected in the Bill Type field in Bill of Materials Maintenance and can only be viewed.



Enter the revision code for the bill configuration affected by this change, or click the Lookup button to list all revisions of the current bill number. This field is available only if the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.


Option Category

Enter the option category affected by this change, or click the Lookup button to list all options and the categories where each option is defined. Click the Option Categories button to list all option categories defined for the current bill number. For more information, see Define Option Categories.

This field is available only if the Use Option Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options, and the bill entered has options.


Option Code

Enter the option code affected by this change, or click the Lookup button to list all option codes. field is available only if the Use Option Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options, and the bill entered has options.


2. Lines


Grid Button Bar

The button located above the primary grid allows you to view item history as well as extended item descriptions.

For more information, see:

Item Quantity Inquiry

Item Maintenance


Line Number

This field displays the line number in the grid and can only be viewed. The line number appears red for lines that are new or modified. After the Accept button is clicked, the line number changes from red to black.


Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Component Item Code

Enter the component item code to add to or delete from the bill.

  • Click the Lookup button to list all component numbers for the current bill number.

  • Right-click the item to view the selections available for the item.

  • Click the Item List button to list all item codes.

If the item code entered is already a component for the bill displayed, it is deleted. If the item appears more than once in a single bill, all occurrences within the bill are deleted. If the item code entered is not a component, it is added.

If the item code entered is already a component for the bill displayed, it is deleted. If the item appears more than once in a single bill, all occurrences within the bill are deleted. If the item code entered is not a component, it is added.

Note The system does not check whether the Inactive Item check box in Item Maintenance is selected for items entered in this field. Inactive items will appear in the Item List window when you click the Lookup button. To help distinguish which items are inactive, you can create a custom lookup view and add the InactiveItem field. For more information, see Create a Lookup View



Enter a revision code for this bill, or click the Lookup button to list all revisions. This field is used to document the revision used in the manufacturing process.

This field is available only if the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.

Note An asterisk ( * ) displays in this field to denote that the current revision is used.


Step No.

Enter the step number of the routing number on the base bill where this component item is first required. If the Work Order module is installed, click the Lookup button to list all step numbers for the routing defined for this bill. Enter 0 (zero) to indicate that the processing operations for this component are to be added before the first operation on the parent bill routing. This field is available only if a routing number is entered for this bill in the Routing Number field in Bill of Materials Maintenance, if a phantom bill is not entered at the Bill Number field, and if you are not entering an option bill.



This field displays the action to be taken for the item and can only be viewed. If the item entered is already a component for the bill displayed, it is deleted. If the item entered is not a component, it is added. If the item entered is included in a previous change, an error message appears indicating that you should check the other change number to determine which change has the earliest effective date.



Type the quantity of the component item required to complete this change. The placement of the decimal is based on the entry format selected in Common Information Options.



This field displays the component item code description and can only be viewed.