Bill Of Materials Maintenance - Fields


Bill of Materials Maintenance

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Bill Number

Enter the bill number for the parent item (finished product item code), or click the Lookup button to list all bill numbers. If a new bill number is entered, the Bill Type window appears. Click the Item List button to list all inventory items.

Click the Item Memo button to view, create, or maintain item memos. The Item Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If an item memo already exists for this task, the Item Memo button appears yellow. If an item memo does not exist, the Item Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.

Note The Item Memo button is available only for Standard, Kit, or Inactive bill types.



Enter the revision code to maintain for the current bill number, or click the Lookup button to list all revision codes. Enter 000 if you do not require revision tracking for this bill. Enter an asterisk to select the current revision for the bill. This field is available only if the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.


Bill Type

Select a bill type.

  • Select Standard if the bill represents an actual finished product or assembly for an inventory item.

  • Select Kit if the bill represents a group of inventory items commonly sold as a single unit. This is the only bill type that is used in the Sales Order module. This bill type is available only if the Allow Kit Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.

Note Bills associated with an inventory item using Standard, Lot, or Serial valuation methods cannot be kit-type bills.

  • Select Phantom if the bill represents non-stocked assemblies. This bill type is available only if the Allow Phantom Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options. Phantom bills are included in the MRP Generation process if the Integrate with Bill of Materials and the Include Phantom Bills check boxes are selected in MRP Options.

Note Bills with an associated inventory item cannot be phantom-type bills.

  • Select Inactive if the bill for an item is not currently being manufactured.

Note A bill is classified as inactive when it is in the process of being defined, when it has been replaced by another bill, or when the parent item or finished product it defines is no longer needed.

  • Select Engineering if the bill represents a manufactured item that is still in the design stage. The bill number does not have to be an inventory item.

Note Engineering bills cannot be used in Production Entry, Disassembly Entry, or Sales Order Entry to produce or record the sale of finished goods.

All bills of the same family (bills that share the same bill number but have different revision or option codes) must use the same bill type. If the bill type is changed for one bill of a specific family, you are prompted to change the bill type for all bills in the same family.

Note This field defaults to Standard if the Allow Kit Bills check box is cleared in Bill of Materials Options, when a new bill that is a kit inventory item is created.


Description 1 and 2

Type a description for the bill number and/or revision code. If the bill number entered represents an inventory item, the description entered in Item Maintenance appears. Up to two lines can be entered for the bill number description. Each line allows entry of 30 characters for a total of 60 characters.

Depending on the selection made in the Sync Bill Description and Item Description field in Bill of Materials Options, an update to the Description 1 field may update the Description field in Item Maintenance. If the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options, changes made for the current revision of the bill are synchronized with Item Maintenance.


1. Header


Drawing Number

Type the drawing number to which this bill is related. This allows the bill to be referenced against a specific engineering drawing.


Drawing Revision

Type the drawing revision to which this bill is related. This allows the bill to be referenced against a specific drawing revision.


Routing Number

Enter the routing number used to produce this bill, or if the Work Order module is installed, click the Lookup button to list all routing numbers. If the Work Order module is not installed, this field is used as a comment field. If a routing number is already assigned to the current inventory item, that number appears.


Current Revision

Enter the bill revision code that represents the current information for the bill, or click the Lookup button to list all revision codes for the current bill. This field is available only if the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.


Date Last Used

Enter the date this bill was last used, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is updated automatically when the current bill number and/or revision code are used in Production Entry, Disassembly Entry, or Work Order Entry.


Maximum Lot Size

Type the maximum lot size quantity. Fractional entries are not accepted.

The quantity entered in this field is verified against the quantity entered in the Qty Ordered field in Work Order Entry. If the quantity ordered is higher than the lot size entered in this field, a warning message appears in Work Order Entry when the quantity is entered.


Yield Percentage

Type the anticipated yield percent for the assemblies represented by the current bill. This field is available only if the Allow Scrap and Yield Percentage Factors check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.


Print Components

Select this check box to print the component items for the current kit bill in detail on a sales order or invoice. Clear this check box to print only the kit bill header line without any component item detail. This field is available only if the current bill is a kit bill.


Bill Has Options

Select this check box to maintain option bill information for this bill. Clear this check box if this bill does not require option information. This field is available only if the Use Option Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.

Note If the current bill has options previously defined and you clear this check box, you are prompted to delete all options for the bill number and/or revision code. The bill is then treated as a base bill without options.

Note The Option Bills selection at the Item drop-down button is available only when this check box is selected and at least one option category has been entered in the Option Categories field.


Option Categories

Type the name of each option category to use for the current bill. For example, a bill for a tool kit can have size, color, and deluxe option categories. Up to nine option categories can be used for a single bill. The Option Categories fields are available only if the Bill Has Options check box is selected.

Note The Option Interactions selection at the Item drop-down button is available only when at least two option categories are entered in this field.



Select this check box next to each option category that is a required option. Clear this check box for each option category that is not required. This check box is available only if the Bill Has Options check box is selected.


2. Lines


Grid Button Bar

The buttons located above the primary grid allow you to view item information, as well as extended item descriptions.

For more information, see:

Item Quantity Inquiry

Item Memo

Item Maintenance

Where-Used Inquiry


Line Number

This field displays the line number in the grid and can only be viewed. The line number appears red for lines that are new or modified. After the Accept button is clicked, the line number changes from red to black.


Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Component Item Code

Enter a component item code identifying the line item. Click the Lookup button to list all inventory item codes.

Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.

  • Click the Phantom Bill List button to list all phantom bills. The Phantom Bill List button is available only if the Allow Phantom Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.

  • Right-click the item to view the selections available for the item. The right-click menu is available only for standard, kit, and engineering bills; not for phantom bills.

  • At the Item Quantity Inquiry button, click the drop-down arrow and select Item Status to view the status of the item in the Item Status window.

  • Type a slash ( / ) and press F2 to open the Lookup window and view a list of all miscellaneous charge codes and comments. You cannot add miscellaneous charge codes to kit bills. Kit bills can consist of only component items and comment lines.

A new item can be added on the fly if the appropriate security is set up. A window similar to the Item Maintenance window appears; however, some non-essential fields are omitted to speed data entry. You can access Item Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for the new inventory item. For more information, see Add a New Inventory Item from Bill of Materials.

Note The system does not check whether the Inactive Item check box in Item Maintenance is selected for items entered in this field. Inactive items will appear in the Item List window when you click the Lookup button. To help distinguish which items are inactive, you can create a custom lookup view and add the InactiveItem field. For more information, see Create a Lookup View.



Enter a revision code for this bill, or click the Lookup button to list all revisions for this bill. Enter an asterisk (*) to indicate that the current revision for the bill will always be used.

This field is available only if the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options, and the item code entered in the Component Item Code field represents a bill.


Step No.

Enter the step number of the routing number on the base bill where this component item is first required, or if the Work Order module is installed, click the Lookup button to list all step numbers for the routing defined for this bill. Enter 0 (zero) to indicate that the processing operations for this component are to be added before the first operation on the parent bill routing. This field is available only if a routing number is entered for this bill in the Routing Number field, or if a phantom bill is not entered in the Bill Number field.



Type the quantity of the component item or miscellaneous charge code required to complete one bill. The placement of the decimal is based on the entry format selected in Common Information Options. When the parent item is manufactured, this number is multiplied by the total produced to determine the total quantity of component items to relieve from stock. Only positive quantities can be entered if the Allow Entry of Negative Quantities check box is cleared in Bill of Materials Options. This field is not available if a miscellaneous charge code defined as a setup charge is entered in the Component Item Code field.



Enter a comment for this line.

Note Press CTRL+ENTER to add a new line of text in the Comment field.



If you entered a miscellaneous charge code at the Component Item Code field, type a description of the charge associated with this miscellaneous charge code. If you entered an inventory item in the Component Item Code field, the description also appears automatically.


Find No.

Type the reference number for the drawing to which this bill is related. This information is used as a reference when matching specific component items to the engineering drawing. This field is available only if an entry is made in the Drawing Number field in Option Bill Maintenance.


Scrap Percent

Type the anticipated scrap percent to be incurred by this component during the manufacturing process, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. This field is available only if the Allow Scrap and Yield Percentage Factors check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.

Expand/Collapse item Example

A component used in an assembly has a scrap percentage of 10.000. To produce a final yield of 45 components, 50 components must be produced. The calculation used is: 45 / [1 - 10/100] = 50.


Unit of Measure

This field displays the standard unit of measure for the selected line and can only be viewed. If you entered a miscellaneous charge code in the Component Item Code field, type a unit of measure for this code. This field is blank for regular component item codes.


Cost Account

Enter the general ledger cost account number for posting cost amounts associated with the miscellaneous charge code, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Unit Cost

Enter the cost per unit of measure applied to this miscellaneous charge code, or click the Calculator button to use the calculator. If the code entered in the Component Item Code field is established in the Miscellaneous Charge Code file, the standard unit cost information established using Miscellaneous Item Maintenance appears.


Add Change No.

This field displays the addition change number for the current item code. This field appears only if the Enable Engineering Change Control check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options and can only be viewed.


Add Change Dte

This field displays the addition date for the current item code. This field appears only if the Enable Engineering Change Control check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options and can only be viewed.


Del Change No.

This field displays the deletion change number for the current item code. This field appears only if the Enable Engineering Change Control check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options and can only be viewed.


Del Change Dte

This field displays the deletion date for the current item code. This field appears only if the Enable Engineering Change Control check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options and can only be viewed.


Extended Desc

This check box is selected if the item has an extended description and can only be viewed.