Add a New Template


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 To add a new template to the Business Insights Reporter Wizard

  1. In Windows Explorer, locate the folder where your Sage 100 templates reside (for example, ..\MAS90\Reports\BiReporter\Templates.

    The Templates folder contains three default bitmap (.BMP) files, and three default SAP Crystal Reports (.RPT) files.

  2. Double-click the .RPT file that you want to copy. SAP Crystal Reports launches with the Crystal report in view.

  3. Modify the report as needed by removing, changing, or adding fields or text.

  4. From the File menu, select Summary Info. The Document Properties dialog box appears.

  5. In the Title field, type the new report title. In the Template field, type the new unique template file name and click OK.

  6. Save the new template.

The new template report is saved in the ..\MAS90\Reports\BiReporter\Templates folder.