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The Job Analysis Report provides a management report detailing billed-to-date job information along with cost-to-date information recapped by either cost type (Labor, Material, Subcontract, etc.) or by phase (the first segment of the cost code).
For each cost type or job phase, period-to-date and job-to-date costs are compared to original and revised estimate amounts to derive the percentage of estimated cost, current variance, projected cost to complete the job, and the projected cost as a percentage of the estimated cost.
Total costs per job are provided, along with the cost per job unit (square feet) and estimate information including the current variance. The Billed to Date variance is calculated using the Billed Job to Date, and the Cost Type/Code detail line variances are calculated using the Job to Date Costs.
You can enter a selection of job numbers, job types, estimators, managers, sort field values and customer numbers to print.