Visual Process Flows Manager - Fields


Visual Process Flows Manager

List Box

This list box displays your custom process flows. Use the buttons located to the right of the list box to copy, delete, or modify the settings for the selected process flow.

The predefined process flows are not available in this list. When you click Create a Custom Process Flow and proceed through the wizard, the predefined process flows are listed, and you must select one to use as a template.

  • Click the Copy Process Flow button to start the Copy Visual Process Flows Wizard. The wizard walks you through the steps of copying a visual process flow. On the last page, you have the option to start the Visual Process Flow Designer to modify the new process flow.

  • Click the Modify Process Flow Settings button to start the Modify Visual Process Flows Wizard, which allows you to change the process flow's menu description, specify whether other users are able to modify the process flow, and select which roles have access to the process flow. On the last page, you have the option to start the Visual Process Flow Designer to further modify the process flow.

  • Click the Delete Process Flow button to delete the selected process flow.

  • Click the Open Process Flow Designer button to open the selected process flow in the Visual Process Flow Designer.