S/O Invoice Data Entry - Fields


S/O Invoice Data Entry

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Invoice No.

Enter an invoice number, or click the Lookup button to list all invoice numbers. If you are entering invoices by batch, clicking the Lookup button lists all invoice numbers for the current batch only. If the invoice number entered has been entered but not yet updated, the original invoice appears and can be modified. Click the Next Number button to automatically increment the invoice number for a new invoice.

Click the Memo button next to the navigation buttons to view, create, or maintain memos for this transaction. The Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If a memo already exists for this task, the Memo button appears yellow. If a memo does not exist, the Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.


Batch No.

If batch processing is enabled, this field displays the current batch number and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Enable check box is selected for batch processing in the module's Options window. For more information, see Batch Entry.

Click the Batch Number button to select a batch number from the list or to create a new batch number. Click the Transfer Document button to transfer the current document to a different batch.

Click the Quick Print button to print the invoice using the Quick Print feature. This button is available after selecting a customer number or sales order number and clicking the Lines tab.

After printing the invoice, if the COD Labels After Quick Printing S/O Invoice check box is cleared in Sales Order Options, you will automatically return to Invoice Data Entry.

If the COD Labels After Quick Printing S/O Invoice check box is selected in Sales Order Options and the appropriate security is set up, you will be prompted to print COD labels. If you click Yes, the COD Label Printing (Quick Print) window appears. If you click No or End, you will automatically return to Invoice Data Entry.

After quick printing, if the (Redisplay Source Document After Quick Printing) Invoices check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the invoice that you printed will be the current record; if the check box is cleared, no invoice record will be selected.


Shipper ID

This field displays the shipper ID and can only be viewed.


1. Header


Invoice Date

Enter an invoice date, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar.


Invoice Type

Select an invoice type.


Sales Order Number

Enter the sales order number for the order to be invoiced, or click the Lookup button list all sales order numbers.

After selecting the first sales order, you can add additional orders by clicking the Apply Sales Orders to Invoice button. The button is available if there has been no credit card deposit or credit card payment applied to the invoice. You can apply a payment or deposit made by credit card after you've finished selecting sales orders. When more than one order is selected, "Multiple" appears in this field, and you can view the order number for each line on the Lines tab. For more information, see Apply Sales Orders to Invoice.

If you are entering a direct invoice that is not associated with a sales order, leave this field blank.

This field is available only if Standard Invoice or Cash Sales Invoice is selected in the Invoice Type field.

Click the Memo button to view, create, or maintain memos. The Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If a memo already exists for this task, the Memo button appears yellow. If a memo does not exist, the Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.

Memos entered in Sales Order Entry for sales orders cannot be accessed in S/O Invoice Data Entry.


Customer No.

Enter the customer number, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.

  • If divisions are set up in the Accounts Receivable module, the first two characters entered must be a valid division number.

  • If divisions are not set up and you enter ALL as a customer number, you will not be able to enter a record for that customer in Line Item Commission Maintenance.

  • If the customer is on credit hold or has exceeded the credit limit established, the Customer Credit History window appears.

  • If the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting and the Include Open Orders in Customer's Credit Limit check boxes are selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the open orders for the sold-to customers will be included when checking the credit limit for the customer.

  • If you enter a customer whose status is set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance, a message appears warning that the customer is inactive and cannot be used.

  • If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Customer is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, a message appears if you change the customer number for a one-step invoice with existing lines and Purchase Control Maintenance records exist for the newly selected customer. Depending on how security is set up, the following options are available:

  • Click Yes to delete the lines with items that are not allowed.

  • Click No to retain the lines with items that are not allowed (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Override to enter a logon ID and password to override security (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Cancel to change the customer number back to the original entry and retain all lines.

Note Purchase control checking is performed only for one-step invoices, not for invoices created from sales orders.

Click the Next Number button to automatically increment the customer number for a new customer. The Next Number button is available only if the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

Type a new customer number to add a customer using Customer Maintenance (On the Fly). This task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. You can access Customer Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for a new customer.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Click the Memo button next to this field or next to the Customer button to view, create, or maintain memos for this customer. The Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If a memo already exists for this task, the Memo button appears yellow. If a memo does not exist, the Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.

This field is available only if no line information has been entered for the RMA.


Cust PO

Type the customer purchase order number assigned to this invoice.

If any of the Files to Check for Duplicate Customer PO Numbers check boxes are selected in Sales Order Options, the system checks to see if the purchase order number entered is already in use with another sales order or invoice for this customer. A message appears if the purchase order number is already in use, prompting you to either click Documents to view a list of sales orders and invoices that use the purchase order number entered, or click Continue to return to Invoice Data Entry. If the appropriate security is not set up, the duplicate customer purchase order number will be removed from this field; otherwise, you can continue entering the invoice with the duplicate number.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice and the orders include more than one customer purchase order number, "Multiple" appears in this field. To view the purchase order numbers, click the Customer PO Number on Sales Orders Zoom button to open the Customer PO Numbers on Sales Orders window. You can also view the purchase order number for each line on the Lines tab.

This field is available only if a valid customer number is entered in the Customer No. field.


Order Status

This field displays the status of the order associated with this invoice. If the invoice is being created without a sales order, this field displays 1 Step. If a sales order is being invoiced, this field displays New, Order, or Hold. This field can only be viewed.


Ship Date

Enter a shipping date for this order, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. If a direct invoice is being entered, the ship date entered in the Default Values for S/O Invoice Data Entry window appears as the default. If a sales order is being invoiced, the ship date previously entered for the sales order appears as the default.


Due Date

Enter the date that the invoice is due, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is available only for standard invoices, cash sale invoices, and debit memos.


Discount Date

Enter the date that the invoice discount expires, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is available only for standard invoices, cash sale invoices, and debit memos.



Enter a warehouse code to use for this invoice, or click the Lookup button to list all warehouse codes. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, and the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.

  • If there is a default warehouse defined for the customer ship-to address entered in the Ship To Address field, this field displays the customer ship-to warehouse.

  • If there is no default warehouse defined for the ship-to address entered, this field displays the default warehouse entered in the Warehouse field in the Default Values for S/O Invoice Data Entry window. If a value is not saved in the Default Values for S/O Invoice Data Entry window, this field displays the warehouse entered in the Default Warehouse for Order/Invoice Header field in Sales Order Options. For more information, see Sales Order/Invoice FAQs.



Enter the tax schedule or exemption number for the invoice, or click the Lookup button to list all tax schedules or exemptions. This field automatically displays the tax schedule for the ZIP Code of the ship-to address entered in the Ship To Addr field.


Job No.

Enter the job number associated with all costs and billings for the invoice, or click the Lookup button to list all open job numbers for the selected customer. If the Require Job Number During Data Entry check box is selected in Sales Order Options, a value in this field is required. Only one job number can be entered for each invoice. For more information, see Sales Order/Invoice FAQs.

The job entered must have an Open status. If the job does not have an Open status, a message appears. Click Yes to change the job status to Open during the Daily Sales Order Sales Journal update. If the Set Job Status to Complete When Invoiced check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the job status will be changed to complete during the Sales Journal update.

Depending on the selection in the Validate Customer for Job field in Sales Order Options, the system may check to see if the customer number in the Customer No. field matches the customer number entered for the job in Job Masterfile Maintenance.

  • If No is selected, you can enter any job number in this field.

  • If Write Back to Job is selected, you can enter any job number in this field. If the number entered in the Customer No. field is not associated with the job, the job's associated customer number will be updated in the Job file to match the customer number entered in the Customer No. field. The Job file will be updated when you update the Sales Journal.

  • If Yes is selected, the customer number entered for the job in Job Masterfile Maintenance must match the customer number entered in the Customer No. field.

If the invoice is created from a sales order, the job number defaults from the order and can only be viewed.

This field is available only if the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order and a valid customer number is entered in the Customer No. field.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the job number entered for the first order that was applied and can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same job number.

If you enter a new job number and the Allow Jobs to be Created Automatically check box is selected in Sales Order Options, a message appears prompting you to add the new job. For more information, see Add a Job On the Fly.

Warning If the value entered in this field is changed, the corresponding cost code, cost type, sales account, and cost account are automatically entered for each item in the Cost Code, Cost Type, Sales Account, and Cost account fields on the Lines tab. Verify that the correct values are displayed in these fields whenever you change the job number.

If the Define Job Statuses Allowed in Entry check box is selected in Job Cost Options, the system checks to see if the status of the job number entered is allowed in Job Status Maintenance. If you enter a job number with a status that is not allowed, a message appears. If the appropriate security is set up in Role Maintenance, you can click Yes to enter the job number. If the appropriate security is not set up, you can click Yes to override security with a logon ID and password. In both cases, if you click No, the job number is removed from this field.


Actual % Complete

Enter the percentage of the job that has been completed. This percentage is used to calculate work-in-process costs as cost of goods sold by multiplying the revised estimated cost by this completion percentage and then subtracting the previously recognized estimated costs.

This field is available if:

  • The Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order.
  • In Job Cost Options, % of Estimate is selected in the Recognize WIP When Billing % Complete Jobs field.
  • In Job Maintenance, for the selected job, Percentage of Completion is selected in the Acct Method field, and Fixed is selected in the Billing Method field.


IT User ID

This field displays the user ID of the user who submitted the order from the Internet. This field appears only if the eBusiness Manager module is installed and can only be viewed.

If the Send/Shipped Invoiced Sales Order Notifications check box is selected in eBusiness Manager Options, an e-mail notification is sent during the update of an invoice.


IT User Name

This field displays the name of the user who submitted the order from the Internet. This field appears only if the eBusiness Manager module is installed and can only be viewed.


Sage CRM User ID

This field displays the Sage CRM user ID of the user who created the sales order being invoiced. This field appears only if the Customer Relationship Management module is set up and can only be viewed.


Sage CRM Opportunity

This field displays the Sage CRM opportunity entered for the sales order being invoiced. This field appears only if the Customer Relationship Management module is set up and can only be viewed.


Apply to Inv No.

Enter the invoice number that the debit or credit memo will be applied to, or click the Lookup button to list all invoice numbers for this customer. If the selected customer is set up with a bill-to customer, the Lookup window will list all open invoices for the bill-to customer.

This field is available only for debit and credit memos, and is not available for balance-forward customers.

In Accounts Receivable Options, if Yes or Summary is selected in the (Invoice History) Retain in Detail field, a message asks if you want to copy invoice information from history after you enter an invoice number.

  • Click Yes to use information from the history files.

    If Yes is selected in the (Invoice History) Retain in Detail field, line details, including any lot and serial distributions, are included.

    If Summary is selected in the (Invoice History) Retain in Detail field, only the invoice header information is used.

  • Click No if you don't want to copy the invoice information from history.

If you click Yes to use information from the history files, a second message asks if you want to recall the item cost from history.

  • Click Yes to use the item cost in history.

  • Click no to use the current cost in inventory.

  • Click Details to view the cost information from both sources for each item on the invoice.

Note Check with your accountant about the appropriate costing method for returned inventory.



This field displays the RMA number if a credit memo has been generated from the Return Merchandise Authorization module or an invoice has been created from a sales order generated by the Return Merchandise Authorization module. This field appears only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed and can only be viewed.


Print Invoice

Select this check box to print the invoice. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the invoice. If this check box is cleared, the invoice cannot be printed in S/O Invoice Printing, but you can click Quick Print to print it.

To reprint an invoice, click Quick Print or select the Print Invoices Already Printed check box in the S/O Invoice Printing window.

This check box will be cleared by default if the Use Sage Data Cloud for Invoice Printing check box is selected in Customer Maintenance.


eInvoice Payments

Select this check box to send this invoice to Paya Desktop Connect when the Sales Journal is updated. The invoice will then be emailed to the customer. For more information, see eInvoicing.

Clear this check box if you don't want to send this invoice to Paya Desktop Connect.

This check box is available only if the eInvoice Payments check box in Customer Maintenance is selected for the customer.

If you're using the National Accounts feature and creating an invoice for a sold-to customer, this check box is available only if the eInvoice Payments check box in Customer Maintenance is selected for the bill-to customer. The eInvoice will be sent to the e-mail address on file for the bill-to customer.


Ship To Addr

Enter a location code to automatically enter a shipping address defined in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance. Click the Lookup button to list all location codes.

The ship-to location code defaults to the ship-to location entered in the Primary Ship To field in Customer Maintenance.

  • If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, the system will perform purchase control checking if you change the ship-to location code for a one-step invoice with existing lines that results in a change to the ship-to state or province. Purchase control checking is performed only for one-step invoices, not for invoices created from sales orders.

  • If split commission information is set up in the Split Commission Entry window and the Customer Split Commission to Override Ship-To Salesperson check box is selected in Sales Order Options, changing the ship-to location code will not affect commissions; however, if the check box is cleared and the ship-to salesperson is not the same as the customer's primary salesperson, the split commission information is removed when the ship-to location code is changed.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Type a new location code to add a customer ship-to address using Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance (On the Fly).

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the location code entered for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same ship-to location code.


Terms Code

Enter a terms code for this customer, or click the Lookup button to list all terms codes. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's terms code based on the setting selected in the Terms Code field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.

Type a new terms code to add a term using Terms Code Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the terms code for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same terms code.


Ship Via

Enter a shipping code, or click the Lookup button to list all shipping codes.

  • If the selected customer has a default ship-to address, or if you enter a ship-to address, the shipping code set up for that address in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance appears in this field.

  • If there is no shipping code set up for the ship-to address, this field displays the shipping method entered for the customer in Customer Maintenance.

The default shipping code can be changed. If Yes or Actual is selected in the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight field in Sales Order Options, you must enter a shipping code defined in Shipping Rate Maintenance.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the shipping code entered for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same shipping code.



Type the FOB (freight on board) location. The FOB location indicates the location this order is placed on board a freight carrier at no charge to the customer. Click Tracking to view tracking numbers for the invoice.


Confirm To

Enter the name of the person to contact regarding invoices for the current ship-to address, or click the Lookup button to list all contact codes.

If an opportunity is displayed in the Sage CRM Opportunity field that is specific to a Sage CRM contact, this field displays the related customer contact and can only be viewed.



Type the e-mail address of the person to contact regarding invoices for the current ship-to address. This field displays the e-mail address defined for the ship-to address entered in the Ship To Addr field. If there is no ship-to e-mail address, this field displays the e-mail address of the customer selected. Click the E-mail button to compose a new e-mail message to the address entered in this field.


Fax No.

Type the customer's fax number starting with the area code.

The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.


Batch Fax

Select this check box to include the document for batch faxing. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the document for batch faxing. This field is available only if a fax number is entered in the Fax No. field.

The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.



Type a comment relating to this invoice.



Enter a salesperson code, or click the Lookup button to list all salesperson codes. The default salesperson code that appears in this field is set in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance; if no salesperson is assigned in that task, the salesperson code defaults from Customer Maintenance. The default value can be changed.

  • If divisions are defined in the Accounts Receivable module, enter a salesperson code that is in the same division as the customer entered in the Customer field.

  • If split commission information is entered in Split Commission Entry, it will be removed if you change the salesperson in this field. When entering a one-step invoice, if a salesperson is selected in Default Values for S/O Invoice Data Entry who is not the initial customer's primary salesperson, any split commission percentages set up in Customer Split Commission Maintenance will not default to Split Commission Entry; however, if you select a different customer, the subsequent customer's default split commission information, if any, will appear in Split Commission Entry.

  • If divisions are not set up and you enter ALL as a salesperson number, you will not be able to enter a record for that salesperson in Line Item Commission Maintenance.

  • If this task is launched from Sage CRM, this field defaults to the salesperson code selected in Customer Maintenance and can only be viewed.

  • If the sales order being invoiced was created from Sage CRM, this field displays the salesperson code associated with the user who created the order and can only be viewed. If the salesperson code for the Sage CRM user ID is defined for a different division than the customer division, this field instead displays the salesperson code associated with the customer.

Type a new salesperson code to add a salesperson using Salesperson Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

This field is available only if the Salesperson Commission Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options. If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the salesperson entered for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same salesperson.


Split Comm.

Select how the sales commission will be distributed.

  • Select Yes to distribute the total commission amount between up to five salespersons.

  • Select Override to enter an override commission. If the Override option is selected, the standard commission will be posted to the primary salesperson. The override commission will be posted to the salesperson specified in the Override Commission Entry window.

  • Select No to post the commission only to the primary salesperson on the invoice.

This field is available only if the Split Commissions between Salespersons check box is selected in Sales Order Options.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the selection for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the split commission selection.

Click Split Comm to enter or maintain commission rates in the Split Commission Entry window.


2. Address


Customer No.

This field displays the customer number for the invoice and can only be viewed.


Bill To

Enter the bill-to customer number defined in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. Click the Lookup button to list all bill-to customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a bill-to customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the bill-to customer number will appear in the field.

This field defaults to the bill-to customer if one is defined for the selected customer and can only be changed with the appropriate security setup.

  • If Bill To is selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, the bill-to customer's address will default to all the bill-to addresses fields.

  • If the bill-to customer number is changed and Bill To is selected in the Default Bill To Address Setting field in Accounts Receivable Options, the new bill-to customer's address will populate the bill-to addresses fields.

  • If the bill-to customer is changed, a message appears prompting you to recalculate the pricing. A warning message also appears when attempting to change the bill-to customer to a sold-to customer.

  • If you enter a bill-to customer whose status is set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance, a message appears warning that the customer is inactive and cannot be used.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options. This field is not available when entering an invoice for a CASH customer, when selecting a Cash Sale Invoice type, and when a sales order is selected for the invoice.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the bill-to customer number entered for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same bill-to customer number (if any).


(Bill To) Name

Type a bill-to name. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's name based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.


(Bill To) Country

Enter a bill-to country code, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's country based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.

A country code is needed to ensure that the correct city and state or province are entered based on the ZIP or postal code.

Enter a new country code to add a country code using Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


(Bill To) Address

Enter a bill-to address in the lines provided. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's address based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.


(Bill To) ZIP or postal code

Enter a bill-to ZIP/Postal Code. If the value entered in this field is changed, the corresponding sales tax schedule is automatically entered in the Schedule field.

This field defaults to the bill-to customer's ZIP or postal code based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.

Enter a new ZIP or postal code to add it using ZIP/Postal Code Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


(Bill To) City

Type a bill-to city. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's city based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.


(Bill To) State/Province

Enter a bill-to state or province abbreviation. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's state or province based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance for the selected customer, but it can be changed.


Ship To

Enter a location code to automatically enter the corresponding shipping address defined in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance. Click the Lookup button to list all location codes. This field is not required.

  • If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, the system will perform purchase control checking if you change the ship-to location code for an order with existing lines that results in a change to the ship-to state or province.

  • If split commission information is set up in the Split Commission Entry window and the Customer Split Commission to Override Ship-To Salesperson check box is selected in Sales Order Options, changing the ship-to location code will not affect commissions; however, if the check box is cleared and the ship-to salesperson is not the same as the customer's primary salesperson, the split commission information is removed when the ship-to location code is changed.

Type a new location code to add a customer ship-to address using Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click Copy Ship To to copy the ship-to address information to the Bill To Address fields.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to the invoice, this field displays the location code for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same ship-to location code.


(Ship To) Name

Type a ship-to name.


(Ship To) Country

Enter a ship-to country code, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes.

A country code is needed to ensure that the correct city and state or province are entered based on the ZIP or postal code.

Enter a new country code to add a country code using Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


(Ship To) Address

Type a ship-to address in the lines provided.


(Ship To) ZIP/Postal Code

Enter a ship-to ZIP Code.

  • If the value entered in this field is changed, the corresponding sales tax schedule is automatically entered in the Schedule field.

  • If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, a message appears if you change the ship-to state or province for an order with existing lines and Purchase Control Maintenance records exist for the newly selected state or province. Depending on how security is set up, the following options are available:

Enter a new ZIP or postal code to add it using ZIP/Postal Code Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


(Ship To) City

Type a ship-to city.


(Ship To) State/Province

Type a ship-to state or province abbreviation.

If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, a message appears if you change the ship-to state or province for an invoice with existing lines and Purchase Control Maintenance records exist for the newly selected state. Depending on how security is set up, the following options are available:

  • Click Yes to delete the lines with items that are not allowed.

  • Click No to retain the lines with items that are not allowed (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Override to enter a logon ID and password to override security (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Cancel to change the ship-to state back to the original entry and retain all lines.

Purchase control checking is performed only for one-step invoices, not for invoices created from sales orders.


3. Lines


Grid Button Bar

The buttons located above the primary grid allow you to select items, view history and item information, enter item descriptions, and distribute lot/serial numbers.

For more information, see:

Item Quantity Inquiry

Look Up an Item by Alias Number

Customer Last Purchase Maintenance

Item Status

Item Maintenance

Item Price Lookup

Alternate Warehouse Selection

Alternate Item Selection

Item Text Maintenance

Lot/Serial Distribution

Item Memo

Option Selection

Price Level Inquiry

Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Line Number

This field displays the line number in the grid and can only be viewed. The line number appears red for lines that are new or modified. After the Accept button is clicked, the line number changes from red to black.

If a yellow exclamation point appears next to the line number, a lot or serial number distribution is required for the item and must occur before the item can be shipped.


Item Code

Enter an item code identifying the line item. Click the Lookup button to list all inventory item codes.

Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.

  • Click the Alias Item button to display all alias item codes.

  • Click the Kit Items/Bill of Materials Search button to display all sales kit item numbers and bill numbers. When a kit is exploded in the grid, kit item rows cannot be moved using the Move Row Up or Move Row Down buttons. Items that are not in the kit cannot be moved between kit component rows.

  • Right-click and select Item Maintenance to view item information.

  • At the Item Quantity Inquiry button, click the drop-down arrow and select Alternate Item to select an alternate item in the Alternate Item Selection window. The Alternate Item option is available only if the invoice line is not part of a corresponding sales order.

To view the Comments List, type /C and press F2. To view the Miscellaneous Item List, type /M and press F2. To view comments and miscellaneous items, type a slash ( / ) and press F2.

  • If the Inactive Item check box is selected for an item in Item Maintenance, the inactive item code cannot be entered in this field when adding a new line. Inactive items will appear in the Item List window when you click the Lookup button. To help distinguish which items are inactive, you can create a custom lookup view and add the Inactive Item field. For more information, see Create a Lookup View.

  • If you enter an active kit with inactive components, the components will be treated as active. If you are creating an invoice from a sales order with items that are now inactive, the existing inactive items will be allowed; however, you cannot add new lines with inactive items. The system does not check whether the Inactive Item check box is selected for an item if Credit Memo is selected in the Invoice Type field.

A new item or alias item can be added on the fly if the appropriate security is set up. A window similar to the Alias Item Number Maintenance window or the Item Maintenance window appears; however, some non-essential fields are omitted to speed data entry. You can access Alias Item Number Maintenance or Item Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for the new alias item or inventory item. For more information, see Add a New Inventory or Alias Item.

  • If you enter an inventory item code, and the Enable Purchase Control of Items check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the system checks to see if the item code is allowed based on entries in Purchase Control Maintenance.

  • If you enter an item code that is not allowed, a message appears. If the appropriate security is set up in Role Maintenance, you can click Yes to enter the item code. If the appropriate security is not set up, you can click Yes to override security with a logon ID and password. In both cases, if you click No, the item code is removed from the field.

  • If you add an item code on the fly, the system checks to see if the item's product line is allowed to determine if the item is allowed. If you enter an alias item or add an alias item on the fly, a purchase control check is performed for the corresponding item code.

  • If you enter an inventory item code for a one-step invoice, and the Enable Default Price Level by Customer check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the following will occur (not necessarily in this order) to determine the default price level that should be used for the item:

  • If Price Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, the system will determine if a price level record exists in Price Level by Customer Maintenance for the customer based on the product line and price code corresponding to the item that was entered.

  • If Ship-To Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, the system will determine if a price level record exists in Price Level by Customer Maintenance for the customer based on the ship-to code entered on the Header tab and the product line corresponding to the item that was entered.

  • If a matching price level record is found, the system will check the effective date/end date for that record. If the invoice date falls within the effective/end date range, the price level for the item will default. Following that, the system will determine the actual price based on the pricing hierarchy. If the invoice date falls outside the effective/end date range, the price level will be determined by the customer's default price level from Customer Maintenance. For more information, see Hierarchy of Pricing.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample - Entering miscellaneous items, charge items, comment items, and inventory items



/ and then press F2

view a list of all miscellaneous items, miscellaneous charges, and comment items.

/C and then press F2

view a list of comment items only.

press F2

view a list of inventory items only.

HON and then press F2

view a list of all inventory items beginning with "HON".

/HON and then press F2

view a list of all miscellaneous items, miscellaneous charges, and comment items beginning with "HON".

/ followed by an item code

enter a new miscellaneous item or miscellaneous charge.

/C followed by an item code

enter a new comment line.

* followed by an item code

enter a non-inventory special item



Type the quantity of this item to order. The quantity available in stock appears below the secondary grid. This field is available only if an inventory item is entered in the Item Code field.

At the Item Inquiry button, click the drop-down arrow and select Item Status to view quantity information for the item. The Item Status option is available only if an inventory item is entered in the Item Code field.

  • If the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, and if the quantity ordered exceeds the quantity on hand, the Entry Exceeds Available Quantity window appears. For more information, see Entry Exceeds Available Quantity.

  • If the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order, a job number is entered, and the Relieve Inventory check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the quantity in this field will adjust the quantity on sales order value that appears in Item Maintenance. Also, the warehouse quantity on hand value displayed in Item Maintenance will be updated when the Sales Journal is updated.



Type the actual quantity shipped. If the quantity entered is less than the quantity ordered and the appropriate security is set up, the remaining quantity is automatically entered in the Back Order field.

If a balanced distribution to one lot exists, decreasing the shipped quantity will automatically adjust the distributed quantity to that lot if the new shipped quantity is less than the distributed quantity.


Unit Price

Enter a unit price for this item, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. The unit price that appears is based on the item price code, customer price level, and current sale pricing, and is discounted where specified.

  • By default, if quantity price breaks are set up for this item, the reduction is applied to the price based on the ordered quantity for this line only; however, the combined quantity for multiple lines can be used to determine the price reduction depending on the selection made in the (Item Pricing by Total Quantity) Enable Based On field in Sales Order Options. For exploded kits, only the parent item's ordered quantity is included in the total ordered quantity.

  • If the Item Pricing by Total Quantity feature is enabled, and No is selected in the Apply Item Pricing Automatically field in Sales Order Options, you must click Item Price to apply the total-quantity-based price reduction to the price.

  • If Prompt is selected in the Apply Item Pricing Automatically field, click Yes when prompted to proceed with item price recalculation to apply the total-quantity-based price reduction. Click No if you do not want to recalculate the prices.

  • If a percentage is entered in the Disc % field, the unit price for this line will not be recalculated using the Item Pricing by Total Quantity feature; however, the ordered quantity for this line will be included in the total quantity used to determine the quantity-based price reduction.

You can enter a new value in this field only if the appropriate security is set up.

At the Item Quantity Inquiry button, click the drop-down arrow and select Price Lookup to view pricing information for the item in the Item Price Lookup window. The Price Lookup option is available only if an inventory item is entered in the Item Code field, and the invoice line is not part of a corresponding sales order.

Click the Customer Last Purchase History button to automatically view the last purchase history price for this customer. The Customer Last Purchase History button is available only if Yes or Invoice is selected in the Retain Customers' Last Purchase History field in Sales Order Options.

  • If the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, this field is available if an inventory item or miscellaneous item is entered in the Item Code field.

  • If the Inventory Management module is not integrated with Sales Order, this field is available only if a miscellaneous item is entered. At the Customer Last Purchase History button, click the drop-down arrow and select Use Last Purchase Price to automatically display the last purchase price for the customer in this field. For more information, see Use the Last Purchase Price on an Order.



Type the total sale amount for this item. The total sale amount is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the unit price. If a new extension amount is entered, the unit price is recalculated. This field is available only if the Allow Discount Rate By Detail Line check box is cleared in Sales Order Options.



Type a comment for this line. Comments can contain up to 2048 characters.

Note Press CTRL+ENTER to add a new line of text in the Comment field.



Type the description of this item. The description entered is printed on the invoice. This field is not available for comment items.

Click the Extended Item Description button to view and maintain extended item descriptions in Item Text Maintenance.

  • If there is no extended description entered for an item, the Extended Item Description button appears blue.

  • If an extended description is entered for the line item, the Extended Item Description button appears yellow.



Enter a warehouse code, or click the Lookup button to list all warehouse codes.

  • If the item has a default warehouse defined in Item Maintenance, and the Use Item Default Warehouse check box is selected in the Sales Order Options window, this field displays the item default warehouse.

  • If no default item warehouse is defined, this field displays the warehouse code entered in the Warehouse field.

At the Item Inquiry button, click the drop-down arrow and select Alternate Warehouse to select an alternate warehouse in the Alternate Warehouse Selection window.

This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options, and an inventory item code is entered in the Item Code field.


Unit of Measure

Enter a unit of measure, or click the Lookup button to list all units of measure.


Back Ordered

Type the quantity to back order. If the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered and the appropriate security is set up, this field displays the difference.

  • If the quantity shipped equals the quantity ordered, this field displays a zero. A back order is generated automatically for this invoice in the Sales Order Entry file for any back ordered items.

  • If the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, the Quantity on Back Order field in the Inventory file is adjusted by the quantity back ordered.

  • If this is a one-step invoice, a back order is created in the Open Order file using the next available order number.

This field is available only if the Back Orders check box is selected for the item in Item Maintenance, and the appropriate security is set up.


Cost Code

Enter a cost code for this line, or click the Lookup button to list all cost codes. Right-click this field and select Active Cost Code to view only the active cost codes on file for the job number entered in the Job No. field.

  • If the Require Cost Code During Data Entry check box is selected in Sales Order Options, an entry in this field is required. Only cost codes with one or more valid cost types can be entered in this field.

  • If a default cost code is entered for the selected customer in Customer Maintenance, it will be the default cost code for this field, but it can be changed.

  • If the cost code and cost type are not entered, no costs will post to the Job Cost or General Ledger module for special job postings for this line.

This field is available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order.

  • The Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box is selected in Sales Order Options.

  • A job number is entered in the Job No. field.

This field is not available for comment items or kit component items. This field is available for drop-ship lines only if the Post Drop Ship Costs to Job Cost check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


Cost Type

Select a cost type for the cost code entered in the Cost Code field. The menu displays the descriptions of all cost types set up in the Valid Cost Types field in Sales Order Options for the cost code entered.

  • If the Require Cost Code During Data Entry check box is selected in Sales Order Options, an entry in this field is required.

  • If a default cost type is entered for the selected customer in Customer Maintenance, and the default cost code has not been changed in the Cost Code field, the cost type from Customer Maintenance will be the default value for this field, but it can be changed. The Subcontractor cost type cannot be selected in this field.

  • If the cost code and cost type are not entered, no costs will post to the Job Cost or General Ledger module for special job postings for this line.

This field is available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order.

  • The Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box is selected in Sales Order Options.

  • A job number is entered in the Job No. field.

  • A cost code is entered in the Cost Code field.

This field is not available for comment items or kit component items. The Subcontractor cost type cannot be selected in this field.


Price Level

Type a price level for the current customer. The price level is used to determine the pricing schedule for calculating the price of this item. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and an inventory item is entered in the Item Code field.

A price level can be defaulted if the Enable Default Price Level by Customer check box is selected in Sales Order Options, or it can default from the customer's default price level assigned in Customer Maintenance. If the price level is defaulted, it will display automatically, but it can be changed.


Tax Class

Enter the tax class, or click the Lookup button to list all tax classes. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.



Select this check box if the item is discountable. Clear this check box if the item is not discountable.


Disc %

Type the discount percentage to apply to this line. This field is available only if the Allow Discount Rate By Detail Line check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


Drop Ship

Select this check box if the item will be drop-shipped. Clear this check box if the item will not be drop-shipped. If this check box is selected, the quantity on hand is not checked because the item does not affect inventory in stock. This check box defaults to cleared for a new item.



Select this check box to calculate commission on this item. Clear this check box if you do not want to calculate commission on this item.


Subj to Exempt

Select this check box if the item is subject to exemption. Clear this check box if the item is not subject to sales tax exemption.



Type the unit cost amount of this item (the total amount you pay for the item). This field is available only if the Drop Ship check box is selected.


Sales Account

Enter the general ledger sales account number for posting the sale of this item, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order and a job number is entered in the Job No. field, this field defaults to the Job Revenue account or Deferred Revenue account assigned in Job Type Maintenance. If the Job Cost module is not integrated with Sales Order, this field defaults to one of the following:

For more information, see Sales Order/Invoice FAQs.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Cost Account

Enter the general ledger account number for posting the cost of goods sold for this item, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts.

  • If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number. This field is not available if a miscellaneous charge, comment item, or kit component is entered in the Item Code field.

  • If a job number is entered in the Job No. field but a cost code is not entered in the Cost Code field, or if the Drop Ship check box is selected, the cost account can be entered but is not used for postings.

  • If the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order, a job number is entered in the Job No. field, and a cost code is entered in the Cost Code field, this field defaults to the expense account, cost of sale account, or work in process account for the cost type.

  • If the expense account, cost of sale account, or work in process general ledger account is not entered for the cost type in the Job Cost module, this field defaults to the account that would appear if the Job Cost module were not integrated with Sales Order. This would be the equivalent of not entering a cost code and cost type for the invoice line.

  • If a job number is entered for an invoice but cost types and cost codes are not entered, job billings are posted to the Job Cost module, but job costs are not. This can affect statements of profitability. For more information, see Update FAQs.

  • If the Job Cost module is not integrated with Sales Order, this field defaults to one of the following:

For more information, see Sales Order/Invoice FAQs.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Warranty Code

Enter a warranty code for this item code, or click the Lookup button to list all warranty codes.

  • If you change the warranty code displayed, the expiration date is updated as well.

  • If a credit memo was entered, the warranty code shown originates from the Inventory Management files and can only be viewed.

This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and the Enable Warranty Tracking check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Expiration Date

Enter an expiration date for the item code, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. If a credit memo was entered, the expiration date does not display.

The warranty expiration date is calculated based on the selection made in the Warranty Calculation Based On field in Sales Order Options and the value entered in the Number of Days Before Warranty Expires field in Warranty Code Maintenance.

This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and the Enable Warranty Tracking check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Customer Action

This field displays the customer action, and appears only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed and for invoices generated from RMA orders and for generated credit memos. This field can only be viewed.


Item Type

This field displays the item type of the item selected and can only be viewed. Inventory item types can be accessed and maintained in Item Maintenance.


Product Line

This field displays the product line of the item selected and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order.


Product Type

This field displays the product type of the item selected and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order.


Price Code

This field displays the price code of the item selected and can only be viewed.



This field displays the cost description of the item selected and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order.


Distrib Required

This field appears selected if the item entered in the Item Code field is a lot and serial item. This field can only be viewed.


Extended Desc

This check box appears selected if the item has an extended description. This field can only be viewed.



This check box appears selected if the item is a component item in a sales kit. This field can only be viewed.


Alias Item

This field displays the alias item code for the item code selected and can only be viewed.



This field displays the option codes entered in the Option Selection window and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and the Bill of Materials module is set up.



This field displays the revision selected for a Bill of Materials kit and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, the Bill of Materials module is set up, and revision tracking is enabled in Bill of Materials Options.


Vendor Number

This field displays the vendor number and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is set up.


PO Number

This field displays the purchase order number for the vendor and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is set up.


PO Required Date

This field displays the purchase order required date and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is set up.


Sales Order No.

This field displays the sales order number and can only be viewed. This field is available only if multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice. If only one sales order is applied, you can view the order number on the Main tab.


Customer PO No.

This field displays the customer's purchase order number and can only be viewed. This field is available only if multiple sales orders are applied to this invoice. If only one sales order is applied, you can view the customer's purchase order number on the Main tab.


Commodity Code

Enter a commodity code for the item or click the Lookup button to list all commodity codes. If a commodity code is entered for the item in Item Maintenance or Miscellaneous Item Maintenance, it automatically appears in this field, but it can be changed.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.


Commodity Desc

This field displays the description for the code entered in the Commodity Code field, and it can only be viewed. The commodity code description is maintained in Commodity Code Maintenance.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.


Alt Tax ID

Enter the alternate tax identifier.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.


Tax Type Applied

Enter the tax type applied.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.



Enter the net gross indicator.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.



Enter the debit/credit indicator.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.


Tax Amount

Enter the tax amount.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.


Tax Rate

Enter the tax rate.

This information is used for Level 3 credit card processing. This field is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have selected a payment type for which the Allow Corporate Cards and Include Level 3 Information check boxes are selected in Payment Type Maintenance.
  • A value is entered in the Corporate ID/PO field on the Payment tab.

  • Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field on the Payment tab.

  • The current line is not a comment line.

  • The current line item is not a component of an exploded kit.

For more information, see Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.


4. Totals


Invoice Date

This field displays the invoice date and can only be viewed.


Invoice Type

This field displays the invoice type and can only be viewed.


Customer No.

This field displays the customer number and can only be viewed.



This field displays the salesperson code and can only be viewed.


Amount Subject to Discount

This field displays the total of all line items for which the amount is subject to discount. This field can only be viewed.


Discount Rate

Type a discount rate for this customer. If a new rate is entered, the amount in the Discount Amount field is recalculated. This field defaults the rate entered in the Discount Rate field in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice, this field displays the discount rate entered for the first order selected and can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same discount rate.


Discount Amount

Type a discount amount. The discount amount is calculated by multiplying the amount subject to discount by the discount rate. If a new discount amount is entered, the discount rate is recalculated.


Taxable Amount

This field displays the taxable total amount of all line items for which a tax class is entered in the Tax Class field. This field can only be viewed.


Nontaxable Amount

This field displays the nontaxable total amount of all line items for which a tax class is entered in the Tax Class field. This field can only be viewed.


Ship Zone

Enter a ship zone for this invoice. If Yes or Actual is selected in the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight field in Sales Order Options, click the Lookup button to list all ship zones. The freight is calculated automatically.

If the shipping code entered in the Ship Via field for this invoice indicates that the ship zone is a ZIP Code, the ZIP Code from the ship-to address appears.

If the Use Prior Range of ZIP Codes check box is selected in Shipping Rate Maintenance, the last sequential ZIP Code that most closely matches the ZIP Code entered is used in the freight charge calculation.

This field is available only if the shipping code entered in the Ship Via field is defined to use ship zones.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to the invoice, this field displays the ship zone entered for the first order that was applied, and it can only be viewed. All orders applied to the invoice must have the same ship zone.


Ship Weight

Enter a ship weight for this invoice, or click the Lookup button to list all ship weights. Fractional weights are not accepted.

Note The ship weight must be numeric. Do not include the unit of measure.

  • If Yes or Actual is selected in the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight field in Sales Order Options, click the Lookup button to list all ship weights.

  • If Actual is selected in the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight field in Sales Order Options, this field displays the actual total weight of all inventory items on this invoice; however, the weights for each item must be in the Inventory master file, and all weights must be expressed in the same unit of measure (lb, tons). You can change the actual weight that appears.

  • If Auto Use Next Weight from Table is selected in the Freight Calculation Method field in Shipping Rate Maintenance, the next sequential weight for this ship zone that most closely matches the ship weight entered is used to calculate the freight charge for this invoice.


Freight Amount

Type the freight amount for the invoice. If the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight check box is selected in Sales Order Options and a shipping code is entered in the Ship Via field, the freight amount is automatically calculated based on the entries in the Ship Zone and Ship Weight fields.


Number of COD Labels

Type 0 (zero) if you do not want to print COD labels for this invoice, or type the number of labels (from 01 to 99) to print. To accommodate multiple-part shipments, the invoice total amount is divided equally by the number of labels. This field is available only if the Print COD Labels check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


COD Cash Only

Select the Cash Only check box to have COD labels accompanying the shipment to read "Accept Cash Only." Clear this check box to print COD labels without the message. This field is available only if the Print COD Labels check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


Deposit Payment Type

Select the payment type to use for the current invoice. If Credit Card or ACH is selected, focus moves to the Payment tab where you can enter the payment information.

If the default payment type is Credit Card and the customer has a credit card as the primary payment method in Customer Maintenance, this field defaults to Credit Card.

If the default payment type is ACH and the customer has an ACH account as the primary payment method in Customer Maintenance, this field defaults to ACH.

The default value can be changed. Payment types are defined in Payment Type Maintenance.

If multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice and one ore more include a deposit, "Deposits from Applied Sales Orders" appears in place of this field, and the Deposits on Applied Sales Orders Zoom button appears. Click the button to view the deposit details in the Deposits on Sales Orders window.


Check Number/Reference Number

For deposits paid by a check payment type, type the check number. For deposits paid by cash payment type, type a reference number. This field is available only if Check or Cash, or a check or cash payment type set up in Payment Type Maintenance is selected in the Deposit Payment Type field.

This field is unavailable if "Deposits from Applied Sales Orders" appears in place of the Deposit Payment Type field. To view the check or reference number, click the Deposits on Applied Sales Orders Zoom button to open the Deposits on Sales Orders window.


Deposit Available

This field displays the available deposit amount and can only be viewed.

If multiple sales orders are applied to the invoice, this field reflects the combined total for all of the orders.


Deposit Amount

Type the customer deposit amount to apply against this invoice. Customer deposits can be recorded only for standard invoices. For credit card deposits, this field displays the deposit amount entered on the Payment tab.

If multiple sales orders are applied to the invoice, this field reflects the combined deposit amount for all orders. If the deposit amount is greater than the invoice total, the invoice total is used as the default deposit amount. If the deposit amount is less than the deposit available, the deposit is allocated as follows during the Sales Journal update:

  • Sales orders that are completed (all items are shipped) receive 100% of the deposit from the order.
  • Sales orders that are not completed (some items are not shipped) receive a prorated percentage of the deposit total from all incomplete orders applied to the invoice.

If you enter a deposit in this field before applying multiple sales orders, including one with a deposit, the amount that you entered will be reset to zero and replaced with the deposit amount from the orders. You can change the amount, but it cannot be more than the invoice total.

To view the deposit details, click the Deposits on Applied Sales Orders Zoom button to open the Deposits on Sales Orders window.

This field is available only if a check number or reference number is entered in the Check Number or Reference Number field.


Commission Rate

The commission rate for the primary salesperson appears. Type 0 (zero) for the commission rate if you do not want commission calculated for this invoice. The commission amount is calculated when the Sales Journal is printed. You can override the commission rate if the appropriate security has been set up, and it can be overridden by the rate entered in the Commission Rate fields in Line Item Commission Maintenance and Item Maintenance.

This field is unavailable if multiple sales orders have been applied to this invoice.


Sales Tax Amount

This field displays the total sales tax for the invoice and can only be viewed. The sales tax amount is calculated using the amount in the Taxable Amount field and the tax rates and limits set up for the sales tax schedule that applies to this invoice. To modify the sales tax amount displayed, click Tax Detail and enter the new sales tax amount in the Tax Amount field in the Tax Detail window.


Invoice Total

When all field entries are complete for the invoice, this field displays the total of all line items, applicable freight, and tax amounts, minus any applicable discount. This field can only be viewed.


Net Invoice

When all field entries are complete for the invoice, this field displays the invoice total less any deposit amount. This field can only be viewed.


Retention Amount

Type the retention amount for this invoice. The retention amount is automatically calculated based on the invoice total, the retention rate assigned to this job in the Job Cost module, and whether the Calculate Sales Tax on Retention Invoices check box is selected in Job Cost Options. This field is available only if the Job Cost module is set up and integrated with Sales Order, the Track Job Cost Retention Receivables check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, and a job number associated with the customer number is entered in the Job Number field on the Header tab.


5. Payment


Payment ID

Enter a payment ID to identify this credit card or ACH payment account. Click the Lookup button to view a list of all payment IDs for this customer. The primary payment ID automatically appears if the default payment type is Credit Card or ACH in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.

Click Clear to clear the information on the Payment tab.



Select this check box to save the payment ID for future use. Clear this check box if you do not want to save the payment ID for future use.

  • This check box is automatically selected when entering a new payment ID and clicking Yes to the message that appears asking if you want to save the payment ID for future use. This check box is also selected if the payment ID already exists for the customer, but it can be changed.

  • If this check box is selected and changes are made to the billing or corporate card information, the record in Customer Credit Card and ACH Payment Maintenance will be automatically updated when the entry is saved. This check box is cleared after the credit card information is successfully updated.

  • If this check box is cleared for an existing credit card payment ID and the card’s expiration date is changed in the Paya Exchange window, clicking Submit in Paya Exchange will automatically update the record in Customer Credit Card and ACH Payment Maintenance with the new expiration date.


Payment Type

Enter the credit card or ACH payment type, or click the Lookup button to list all credit card and ACH payment types. The payment type automatically appears if an existing payment ID is entered, but it can be changed.


Account Type

This field displays the ACH payment bank account type returned from Paya Exchange. The field is available only if an ACH payment type is entered and can only be viewed.


Card Type

This field displays the card type returned from Paya Exchange. The field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and can only be viewed.



This check box is automatically selected if this credit card or ACH payment account is the primary payment method assigned in Customer Maintenance, and it can only be viewed.


Last Four Routing

This field displays the last four digits of the routing number for the ACH payment account entered in Paya Exchange.

This field is available only if an ACH payment type is entered and can only be viewed.



Enter the bank name for the ACH payment account. If an existing payment account is selected, this field displays the bank name entered in Customer Credit Card and ACH Payment Maintenance, but it can be changed.

This field is available only if an ACH payment type is entered.


Last Four Digits

This field displays the last four digits of the credit card number or ACH payment account number entered in Paya Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time use credit card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field is available to manually enter the last four digits of the credit card number.


Expiration Month/Year

These fields display the expiration month and year of the credit card entered in Paya Exchange and can only be viewed.

If you are using a non-processing payment type and not saving the credit card record, these fields will be available to manually select an expiration month and year.

A message indicating that the card will expire in a specified number of days may appear based on the value entered in the Days Before Credit Card Expiration field in Accounts Receivable Options. You can click Submit Card/ACH Account to update the credit card's expiration month and year.

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered.


Account Name / Cardholder Name

For credit card payment types, type the cardholder name. For ACH payment types, type the account name. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type or changing the payment type, this field defaults to the customer name in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.



Enter the code for the account holder's billing country, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's country code entered in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.

A country code is needed to ensure that the correct city and state or province are entered based on the ZIP or postal code.

Enter a new country code to add it using Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly).



Type the account holder's billing address. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, these fields default to the first three address lines in Customer Maintenance, but they can be changed. The street number will be used by the Paya Exchange address verification service for credit card payments.


ZIP/Postal Code

Enter the account holder's billing ZIP or postal code. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's billing ZIP or postal code in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. The information in this field will be used by the Paya Exchange address verification service for credit card payments.

If you enter a ZIP or postal code that's not on file, a message asks if it's a new one. Click yes to open the ZIP/Postal Code Code Maintenance (On the Fly) window and add a new code.



Enter the account holder's billing city. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's billing city in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.



Type the account holder's billing state or province. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's billing state or province in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. If a ZIP or postal code is entered, the state or province abbreviation is automatically entered.


E-mail Address

Type the account holder's e-mail address. This field defaults to the e-mail address in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple e-mail addresses. If the e-mail address is longer than this field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire address.



Type a comment for this payment.


Corporate ID/PO

Type the corporate ID or purchase order number assigned to the user of the corporate/commercial card.

Note The corporate ID or purchase order number is not required to process the transaction; however, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee if you do not track this information.

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and the Allow Corporate Cards check box is selected for the payment type in Payment Type Maintenance.


Transaction Type

Select a fund transfer method.

  • Select Deposit to process a credit card transaction on the deposit amount entered. A deposit transaction will be fully processed as a sale when the Submit Card or Accept button is clicked in this task or Sales Order Entry, and a deposit amount is entered. If the Process in Batch check box is selected, the transaction can be fully processed when the Perform Payment Processing check box is selected during the Daily Sales Journal printing.

  • Select Payment to trigger the transfer of funds when printing the Daily Sales Journal.

    For Creit Card payments, a payment will first be pre-authorized when the Submit Card or Accept button is clicked in this task or Sales Order Entry. If the Process in Batch check box is selected, the transaction can be fully processed when the Perform PaymentProcessing check box is selected during the Daily Sales Journal printing.

Note The Deposit option is not available for credit memos or ACH payments.


Pay Balance

Select this check box to pay the balance of the invoice using a credit card.

If this check box is selected when you click Submit Card / ACH Account, the deposit that is entered will be processed and the remaining invoice balance will be pre-authorized. The remaining balance will be processed when the Daily Sales Journal is printed.

Clear this check box to pay only the deposit using a credit card.

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered.


(Balance/Payment) Amount

This field displays the balance or payment amount for the invoice. This field can only be viewed.


(Balance/Payment) Corp Sales Tax

Type the sales tax amount associated with the credit card payment for the sales order. This amount is included in the total transaction amount. Sales tax amounts are reported for corporate cards only, and the amount entered here will be reported on the customer's corporate credit card statement.

If the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the default amount is calculated based on the actual sales tax amount and the amount of sales tax already allocated to the payment. If the Sales Tax Reporting check box is cleared, this field defaults to 0.00. Click the Reset Corporate Sales Tax button to reset the amount to the default amount.

This field is available only if the Allow Corporate Cards check box is selected for the payment type in Payment Type Maintenance, and a corporate card ID or purchase order has been entered.

NoteThe sales tax amount is not required to complete the transaction; however, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee if you do not track this information.


(Balance/Payment) Auth No.

This field displays the authorization number for the credit card or ACH payment transaction processed through Paya Exchange. This field can only be viewed.

For a one-time use credit card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field is available to manually enter the authorization number for the credit card transaction.

Note The Process in Batch check box must be cleared to obtain a credit card transaction authorization number through Paya Exchange immediately after clicking Submit Card


(Balance/Payment) Auth Amount

This field displays the authorization amount for the credit card transaction processed through Paya Exchange. The authorization amount defaults to the total order or total invoice amount less the deposit amount, but it can be changed.

The pre-authorization amount is valid for 7 days. If the order will be held beyond the 7-day period, select the Process in Batch check box to pre-authorize the amount through the Daily Sales Journal process.

This field is available only if the Pay Balance check box is selected or Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field.

If multiple sales orders with ACH payments have been applied to the invoice, the payments will be combined into one ACH payment record during the Sales Journal update.


(Balance/Payment) Auth Date

This field displays the authorization date for the credit card or ACH payment transaction processed through Paya Exchange. This field can only be viewed.

For a one-time card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field defaults to the current date when an authorization number has been entered.


(Balance/Payment) Auth Time

This field displays the authorization time for the credit card or ACH payment transaction processed through Paya Exchange. This field can only be viewed.

For a one-time card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field defaults to the current time when an authorization number has been entered.


(Balance/Payment) Transaction ID

This field displays the transaction ID for the credit card or ACH payment transaction when the transaction is successfully processed through Paya Exchange and can only be viewed. A message appears below this field stating that the credit card transaction was authorized. If the transaction is declined, this field is blank and a message appears below this field stating that the credit card transaction was not authorized.

This field is available only if the Pay Balance check box is selected or Payment is selected in the Transaction Type field.


(Deposit Applied) Amount

Type the credit card deposit amount applied to this transaction.

This field is available only if Deposit is selected in the Transaction Type field.


(Deposit Applied) Corp Sales Tax

Type the sales tax amount associated with the credit card deposit for the invoice. This amount is included in the total transaction amount. Sales tax amounts are reported for corporate cards only, and the amount entered here will be reported on the customer's corporate credit card statement.

If the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the default amount is calculated based on the actual sales tax amount and the amount of sales tax already allocated to the deposit. If the Sales Tax Reporting check box is cleared, this field defaults to 0.00. Click the Reset Corporate Sales Tax button to reset the amount to the default amount.

This field is available only if the Allow Corporate Cards check box is selected for the payment type in Payment Type Maintenance, a corporate card ID or purchase order number has been entered, and if Deposit is selected in the Transaction Type field.

NoteThe sales tax amount is not required to complete the transaction; however, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee if you do not track this information.


(Deposit Applied) Auth No.

This field displays the authorization number for the credit card transaction processed through Paya Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time use card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field is available to manually enter the authorization number for the credit card transaction.

This field is available only if Deposit is selected in the Transaction Type field.

Note The Process in Batch check box must be cleared to obtain an authorization number through Paya Exchange immediately after clicking Submit Card/ACH Account.


(Deposit Applied) Auth Date

This field displays the authorization date for the credit card transaction processed through Paya Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field defaults to the current date when an authorization number has been entered.

This field is available only if Deposit is selected in the Transaction Type field.


(Deposit Applied) Auth Time

This field displays the authorization time for the credit card transaction processed through Paya Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time card that is not processed through Paya Exchange, this field defaults to the current time when an authorization number has been entered.

This field is available only if Deposit is selected in the Transaction Type field.


(Deposit Applied) Transaction ID

This field displays the transaction ID for the credit card transaction when the transaction is successfully processed through Paya Exchange and can only be viewed. A message appears below this field stating that the credit card transaction was authorized. If the transaction is declined, this field is blank and a message appears below this field stating that the credit card transaction was not authorized.

This field is available only if Deposit is selected in the Transaction Type field.


Swipe Card

Select this check box if the credit card will be swiped for this transaction when Paya Exchange is launched. Clear this check box if the credit card will not be swiped.

Note A Paya (formerly Sage Payment Solutions) approved credit card swipe device, available through Paya Exchange only, is required to use this feature.

This check box is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and the Process in Batch check box is cleared.


Process in Batch

Select this check box to process this credit card transaction through Paya Exchange in a batch when printing the Daily Sales Journal. Clear this check box if you do not want to process this transaction in a batch. You can then enter the CVV number for each credit card transaction when clicking Submit Card/ACH Account or Accept. This check box is automatically selected if the Default Transactions to Process in Batch check box is selected in Company Maintenance, but it can be cleared.

Note When processing credit card transactions in a batch, the CVV number cannot be entered for each credit card transaction; therefore, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee.

This check box is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and the Swipe Card check box is cleared.