Line Item Commission Maintenance - Fields


Line Item Commission Maintenance

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Salesperson No.

Enter a salesperson number to define a commission rate or amount for that salesperson, or click the Lookup button to view a list of all salespersons. Select <all> from the list to define a commission rate for all salespersons. If you enter a specific salesperson number in this field and a specific customer number in the Customer No. field, the salesperson and customer must be in the same division.

Note If you select <all> from the list, 00-ALL will appear in this field if you are using divisions; otherwise ALL will appear. If you have ALL set up as a salesperson code in Salesperson Maintenance, you cannot create an entry for that salesperson in this task.

A new salesperson can be added on the fly; the Salesperson Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears allowing you to create the salesperson record. After a salesperson number, customer number, item code, and effective date have been entered, this field can only be viewed.

Click the Line Item Commission Entries button to view a list of existing entries.


Salesperson Name

This field displays the name of the selected salesperson and can only be viewed.


Customer No.

Enter a customer number to define a salesperson commission rate or amount for that customer, or click the Lookup button to view a list of all customers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.

Select <all> from the list to define a salesperson commission rate or amount for all customers in the selected salesperson's division or for all customers in all divisions if this entry is for all salespersons. If you enter a specific customer number in this field and a specific salesperson number in the Salesperson No. field, the customer and salesperson must be in the same division.

Note If you select <all> from the list, 00-ALL will appear in this field if you are using divisions; otherwise ALL will appear. If you have ALL set up as a customer code in Customer Maintenance, you cannot create an entry for that customer in this task.  

A new customer number can be added on the fly. The Customer Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. Access Customer Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for a new customer number.

After a customer number is selected, the customer name appears to the right of this field.

This field is available after a salesperson number is entered. After a salesperson number, customer number, item code, and effective date have been entered, this field can only be viewed.


Customer Name

This field displays the name of the selected customer and can only be viewed.


Item Code

Enter an item code to define a salesperson commission rate or amount for that item, or click the Lookup button to view a list of all items.

Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.

Select <all> from the list to define a salesperson commission rate or amount for all items. Only inventory items can be entered in this field.

Note You must click the Lookup button to define a commission rate for all items.

If you enter an item code for which None is selected in the Commission Method field in Item Maintenance, this record will not be used for calculating salesperson commissions.

After an item code is entered, the item description appears to the right of this field.

This field is available after a customer number is entered. After a salesperson number, customer number, item code, and effective date have been entered, this field can only be viewed.


Effective Date

Enter the effective date or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. The defined commission rate or amount will be effective for orders and invoices dated on or after this date. If multiple records have the same salesperson-customer-item combination, this date will be compared against the invoice to determine which record to use.

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This field is available after an item code is entered. After a salesperson number, customer number, item code, and effective date have been entered, this field can only be viewed.


Commission Method

This field displays the method entered in the Commission Method field in Item Maintenance for the selected item, or it is blank if All is selected in the Item Code field. This field can only be viewed.


Commission Rate

This field displays the rate entered in the Commission Rate field in Item Maintenance for the selected item, or it displays 0.000% if All is selected in the Item Code field. This field can only be viewed.


Base Commission

This field displays the base commission amount entered in the Base Commission field in Item Maintenance for the selected item, or it displays .00 if All is selected in the Item Code field. This field can only be viewed.


Commission Type

Select a commission type.

  • Select Percent to enter a percentage rate for calculating commission in the Commission Rate / Amount field.

  • Select Amount to enter a flat dollar amount to use as the commission amount at the Commission Rate / Amount field.


Commission Rate / Amount

Type a commission rate or amount.

  • If Percent is selected in the Commission Type field, type a percentage rate. Negative percentages are not allowed; a negative value will be converted to a positive value. This percentage rate will be used, along with the base commission amount defined in Item Maintenance, to calculate commission for the selected combination of salesperson(s), customer(s), and item(s).

  • If Amount is selected in the Commission Type field, type a dollar amount. Negative amounts are allowed. This amount will be used as the commission amount for the selected combination of salesperson(s), customer(s), and item(s); the base commission defined in Item Maintenance will not be used.