Credit Card Payment Transfer Details (Vendor Maintenance) - Fields


Credit Card Payment Transfer Details (Vendor Maintenance)

Vendor Number

This field displays the credit card vendor's number, and can only be viewed.



This field displays the credit card vendor's name, and can only be viewed.


Invoice Number

This field displays the credit card vendor's invoice number, and can only be viewed. Click the Invoice History Zoom button to view details of the credit card vendor's invoice.


Invoice Date

This field displays the date of the credit card vendor's invoice, and can only be viewed.


Transfer Amount

This field displays the amount transferred from the purchase vendor's invoice to the credit card vendor's invoice, and can only be viewed.


Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount applied during the transfer, and can only be viewed.


1099 Form

This field displays the 1099 form selected for the credit card vendor's invoice in A/P Invoice Data Entry, and can only be viewed.


1099 Box

This field displays the 1099 box selected for the credit card vendor's invoice in A/P Invoice Data Entry, and can only be viewed.