Remit To Address Maintenance - Fields


Remit To Address Maintenance

Vendor Name

Type the vendor name. This field defaults to the vendor name entered in Vendor Maintenance. If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Enter the country code, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes.

A country code is needed to ensure that the correct city and state or province are entered based on the ZIP or postal code.

The default country code entered in Vendor Maintenance appears in this field by default, but you can change it.

If you enter a country code that's not on file, a message asks if it's a new one. Click Yes to open the Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly) window to add the country code.

If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Type up to three lines of the street address. Click the Map button to view a map of the location in your Web browser. These fields default to the address entered in Vendor Maintenance. If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.


ZIP/Postal Code

Enter the ZIP or postal code. This field defaults to the ZIP or postal code entered in Vendor Maintenance, but it can be changed. A new ZIP or postal code can be added using the ZIP/Postal Code Maintenance (On the Fly) window.

If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Type the name of the city. If a ZIP or postal code is entered, the city name appears automatically. This field defaults to the city name entered in Vendor Maintenance. If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Type the state abbreviation. If a ZIP or postal code is entered, the state abbreviation appears automatically. This field defaults to the state or province abbreviation entered in Vendor Maintenance. If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Enter the contact code of the person you normally contact at this location regarding payments, or click the Lookup button to list all contact codes. This field defaults to the contact code entered in Vendor Maintenance.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

A new contact can be added on the fly; if a new contact is entered, the Vendor Contact Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears. Access Vendor Contact Maintenance at a later time to maintain the new contact code. For more information, see Vendor Contact Maintenance and Vendor Contact Maintenance (On the Fly).

If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Type the location's telephone number, starting with the area code. Enter the telephone type in the field to the right.

For countries other than Canada and the United States, the telephone country code is automatically added to the beginning of the phone number based on the country code.

This field defaults to the telephone number entered in Vendor Maintenance. If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.



Type the contact person's telephone extension. This field defaults to the telephone extension entered in Vendor Maintenance. If the Remit To Address Maintenance window was accessed from Vendor Inquiry, this field can only be viewed.