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Use Activate Module to activate one or more modules that have been installed. For more information, see Activate Module.
Sage 100 does not have an internal backup feature. Use any reliable backup program to back up and restore Sage 100 files. Contact your network or computer technician for the method that best suits your needs.
Note All users must exit
Sage 100 before you back up or restore the files.All
Sage 100 files are located in the MAS90 folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90). To back up all company data files, system data files, and program files, back up all the folders and files in the MAS90 folder.Note The MAS90 folder is the default folder for
Sage 100 files. YourSage 100 files may be installed in alternate folders.
Although only you can decide how often the data backup routine should be performed, the following rule of thumb often applies: back up your data any time you have entered more data than you would want to reenter. It is also prudent to back up any data that, if lost, would be difficult to recover. Ideally, data backup should be performed each day new data is entered.
For the best protection, you should have a minimum of two sets of backup diskettes or tapes for your hard disk. These sets should be rotated, using each to perform alternating backup tasks.
In addition to the daily backup diskettes or tapes, a separate set of diskettes or tapes should be used to back up data before performing month-end processing for each module. This allows you to restore the system to its original state at the end of the prior month.
Backups can be performed on a module-by-module basis for a company or for all modules for a company.
All program and data files are stored in the folder created when the system was installed (for example, C:\MAS90). If you specified a folder other than the default folder, the MAS90 folder resides within the specified folder name.
The following table shows the file organization used for files installed on the main folder of disk drive C:.
C:\PROGRAM FILES\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90
Main folder for Sage 100 system and data files
C:\PROGRAM FILES\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\HOME
System files
C:\PROGRAM FILES\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\SY
C:\PROGRAM FILES\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\SOA
Library Master software and utilities
C:\PROGRAM FILES\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\AP
Accounts Payable software
Accounts Payable data files for company ABC
C:\PROGRAM FILES\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\GL
General Ledger software
General Ledger data files for
company ABC
The following table shows the file organization used for files installed in a folder named ACNT on disk drive F.
Main folder for system/data files
System files
Library Master software and utilities
Accounts Payable software
Accounts Payable data files for company ABC
General Ledger software
General Ledger data files for
company ABC
The sub folder for the module data files consists of a two-character module name (for example, AP = Accounts Payable and AR = Accounts Receivable), followed by the appropriate three-character company code (for example, ABC).
Note Even if the General Ledger module is not set up, there is a General Ledger program folder and a General Ledger company code folder.
Sage 100 files are located in the MAS90 folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90).System files are located in the MAS_System and SOA sub folders under the
MAS 90 folder. User information is in the MAS_Users sub folder under theMAS90 folder.Data files are grouped by company code and are located in the MAS_<company code> sub folder. For example, data files for company ABC are located in ..\MAS90\MAS_ABC. Within each company folder, data files are grouped by module and are located in the <module><company code> sub folder. For example, the Accounts Receivable data files for company ABC are located in ..\MAS90\MAS_ABC\ARABC.