Cart Accept/Reject Entry
This list box displays all shopping cart submissions with a status of Manual, Accept, Reject, Pending, or Error. Click any column heading to sort line items by that option. You can also resize columns in the list box.
If a new status is selected in the Status field below the grid, this grid displays the new status selected for the submission. The Reason field displays the e-mail reason code entered for the status change in the E-mail Reason field below the grid.
Select a line and click the Zoom button to view shopping cart detail. For more information, see Shopping Cart Detail.
Select a status to apply to the line selected.
Enter an e-mail reason code for the shopping cart submission status change, or click the Lookup button to list all e-mail reason codes. Only e-mail reason codes defined in E-mail Reason Code Maintenance can be entered in this field.
Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.