Set Up Paperless Office


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Use this procedure to set up the basic functionality for Paperless Office. The Paperless Office module allows you to set up PDF and electronic delivery options for all standard reports, journals, and registers. You can also set up options for most customer, vendor, and employee forms. The setup process for Paperless Office follows a tiered approach that allows you to set up options specific to a company, module, customer, vendor, employee, or individual document. For more information, see PDF and Electronic Delivery Option Hierarchy.

After you have set up Paperless Office, you are ready to save documents to PDF format, e-mail, and/or fax them. Documents in PDF format can be later viewed, e-mailed, faxed, moved, or purged in the appropriate PDF viewer task.

Note If you set up Paperless Office, and then later uninstall and reinstall Sage 100, you must set up Paperless Office again using this procedure.

Note If you are using batches with Paperless Office, clear the Enable Batch Faxing check box for the appropriate report in Report Manager.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

  • Set up the appropriate directory structure for storing PDF documents. This structure should accommodate all the reports, forms, journals, and registers you plan to store as PDF documents. When you set up PDF storage options for a particular document or group of documents in the following procedure, you must specify the directory in which to store them. It is recommended that you set up this directory structure within the MAS90 folder.

  • Set up the appropriate network security for the server and folders that will be used to store PDF documents. Security should be set up to allow network users to view, edit, and delete PDF documents as needed in the specified folders. Refer to your system administrator for assistance.

  • Verify that all users who will be viewing PDF documents have the latest version of Acrobat Reader installed. You can also use other PDF readers such as Foxit Reader.


To set up Paperless Office

  1. Select Library Master Main menu > Company Maintenance.

  2. Define the e-mail server and fax printer for each company you are using. For more information, see Company Maintenance - Fields.

  3. Select Library Master Main menu > Role Maintenance.

  4. Set up the appropriate security and module options for user roles in Paperless Office. This allows you to limit who has access to printing tasks and PDF viewer tasks. For more information, see Role Maintenance - Fields.

  5. Select Paperless Office Setup menu > Paperless Office Options.

  6. In Paperless Office Options, enable Paperless Office functionality for the document types you will be saving to PDF. For example, to enable the ability to e-mail and store PDF copies of sales orders and invoices, select the Forms check box. You can also select options such as whether to load all data when accessing a PDF document viewer, and whether to keep only the last copy of saved PDF documents. For more information, see Paperless Office Options - Fields.

  7. Set up electronic delivery and PDF options for the document types that are enabled in Paperless Office Options. You can set up options for specific documents, for all documents of that type in a particular company or module, or for all modules and/or companies.

    • To set up journals and registers, select Paperless Office Setup menu > Journal and Register Maintenance. Journal and Register Maintenance allows you to set up options for storing PDF copies of journals and registers.
    • To set up period-end reports, select Paperless Office Setup menu > Period End Report Maintenance. Period End Report Maintenance allows you to set up options for storing PDF copies of period-end reports.
    • To set up all other standard reports, select Paperless Office Setup menu > Report Maintenance. Report Maintenance allows you to set up options for storing PDF copies of reports accessed from all modules set up in the system.
    • To set up forms such as invoices, statements, and sales orders, select Paperless Office Setup menu > Form Maintenance. Form Maintenance allows you to set up options for e-mailing, faxing, and storing PDF copies of documents. You can also set up options for payroll direct deposit stubs.
  8. Set up default e-mail and fax messages in Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance. For more information, see Create an E-mail Message for Sending PDF Documents.

  9. Set up default settings for customer and vendor electronic delivery options. This step will save time by establishing the default settings in the Paperless Office Delivery Options window for each new customer and vendor. You can also apply the settings to existing customers and vendors.
    1. Select Paperless Office Setup menu > Default Delivery Options.
    2. In the Company Code field, select a company code or select ALL to set up defaults for all companies.

      Note If you select an specific company code, you can apply your settings to all existing customers or vendors in that company after you've set up the defaults.

    3. To set up customer defaults, in the Document Type field, select Customer Forms.
    4. In the Document field, select a form, and then select the default options for that form. For more information, see Default Delivery Options - Fields.

    5. If you selected a specific company code, you can click Apply to apply the defaults to all existing customers in that company. You can then skip step 10 unless you need to select other options for certain customers.
    6. When you're finished setting up forms, click Accept.
    7. To set up vendor defaults, in the Document Type field, select Vendor Forms.
    8. Set up the forms as needed.
    9. If you selected a specific company code, you can click Apply to apply the defaults to all existing vendors in that company. You can then skip step 11 unless you need to select other options for certain vendors.
    10. Click Accept.
  10. Set up electronic delivery options for customers as needed.

    1. To set up customers, select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Customer Maintenance.

    2. Select the customer. For more information, see Customer Maintenance - Fields.

    3. Click the arrow in the top-right corner of the window, and then select Paperless Delivery Options.

    4. In the Paperless Office Delivery Options (Customer/Vendor Maintenance) window, select whether to print, e-mail, and/or fax PDF forms for this customer. For more information, see Paperless Office Delivery Options (Customer / Vendor Maintenance) - Fields.

    5. If you selected to e-mail or fax documents, set up specific delivery options and delivery recipient information on the E-mail and Fax tabs. Click Accept.

  11. Set up electronic delivery options for vendors as needed.

    1. Select Accounts Payable Main menu > Vendor Maintenance.

    2. Select the vendor. For more information, see Vendor Maintenance - Fields.

    3. Click the arrow in the top-right corner of the window, and then select Paperless Delivery Options.

    4. In the Paperless Office Delivery Options (Customer/Vendor Maintenance) Options window, select whether to print, e-mail, and/or fax PDF forms for this vendor. For more information, see Paperless Office Delivery Options (Customer / Vendor Maintenance) - Fields.

    5. If you selected to e-mail or fax documents, set up specific delivery options and delivery recipient information on the E-mail and Fax tabs. Click Accept.

  12. Set up electronic delivery options for direct deposit employees as appropriate.

    1. Select Payroll Main menu > Employee Maintenance.

    2. Select the direct deposit employee. For more information, see Employee Maintenance - Fields.

    3. Click Direct Deposit.

    4. In the Direct Deposits window, click Paperless.

    5. In the Paperless Office Delivery Options (Employee Maintenance) window, select whether to print and/or e-mail direct deposit stubs for this employee. For more information, see Paperless Office Delivery Options (Employee Maintenance) - Fields.

      Note Direct deposit stubs cannot be faxed.

    6. If you selected to e-mail documents, enter the employee e-mail address. Click Accept.

  13. Set up electronic delivery options for salespeople if you want them to receive copies of documents sent to their customers through a printing, inquiry, or history task.
    1. Select Accounts Receivable Setup menu > Salesperson Maintenance.
    2. Select a salesperson and enter an e-mail address if needed. For more information, see Salesperson Maintenance - Fields.
    3. Click Paperless.
    4. In the Paperless Office Deliver Options (Salesperson Maintenance) window, select the forms that should be sent to the salesperson. For more information, see Paperless Office Deliver Options (Salesperson Maintenance) - Fields.
    5. For each form that you selected, in the Recipient field, indicate whether the salesperson's e-mail should be included in the To, Cc, or Bcc field. Click Accept.

You have set up Paperless Office.