Automatically Generate Purchase Orders from Sales Orders


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Use this procedure to automatically generate purchase orders from a selected group of sales orders. Information from the selected sales orders is copied to the new purchase orders. The new purchase order number and purchase order required date information is written to the relevant sales orders.


To automatically generate purchase orders

  1. Select Purchase Order Main menu > Auto Generate from Sales Orders.

  2. Select the order types to generate new orders from. For more information, see Auto Generate from Sales Orders - Fields.

  3. Select the order statuses to generate new orders from and select the Include Expired Sales Orders check box to generate standard orders for expired master, repeating, or quote orders.

  4. Select the Only Select Jobs with Status of Open check box to exclude sales orders that are linked to jobs that are not open.

  5. Select the Summarize Drop Ship Lines by Vendor check box to combine all drop-ship items purchased for the same sales order from the same vendor onto a single purchase order.

  6. Select other options as needed.

  7. In the grid, enter selections of sales orders to generate new orders from.

Note If a sales order is being invoiced, the sales order will not be selected to automatically generate.

  1. Click Proceed and then click the Print button to continue with the generation process.

Note You can click Clear to clear the current selection from the Auto Generate from Sales Order file.

  1. In Auto Generate from Sales Orders Listing, click Print to review the listing.

  2. If the listing is incorrect, click Clear to clear all previous selections and return to the Auto Generate from Sales Orders window or click No to return to the Main menu when prompted to generate the purchase orders.

  3. If the listing is correct, click Yes to generate the purchase orders.

  1. In the Additional Options window, enter the following based on the selections made in Purchase Order Options. For more information, see Additional Options - Fields.

  2. If the Use Sales Order Number as Purchase Order Number check box is cleared, in the Next Automatic Purchase Order Number field, enter the next automatic purchase order number.

  3. At the Purchase Order Header Required Date and Purchase Order Lines Required Date fields, enter the date.

  1. Click OK. If the Print Order Number Assignment Listing check box is selected in Purchase Order Options, the Purchase Order Number Assignment Listing appears.

  2. Click Print to view the numbers assigned for the sales orders.  

The new purchase orders are generated. Use Purchase Order Entry to edit the orders after generation.