Open Purchase Order Report


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Select Purchase Order Reports menu > Open Purchase Order Report.


The Open Purchase Order Report provides information for all or a selected group of purchase orders, including completed orders, and can be printed as needed to track the status of each order. You can enter a selection of purchase order numbers, vendor numbers, required/expire dates, purchase names, ship-to addresses, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print.

This report can be produced in detail or summary format. The detail format includes purchase order header information such as order date, order status, order type, and required date. This format also includes the last receipt and invoice dates, purchase order line detail (includes the item code and description, the quantity ordered, quantity received, quantity back ordered, and each item's unit cost and extended amount), and the purchase order total.

The summary format contains the header information and an order total for each purchase order, but does not include the line detail. Both the detail and summary formats conclude with a report total that provides the total of all purchase orders printed on the report, with the exception of master orders, drop ship orders, and completed orders.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Purchase Order, the detail format lists the job number, cost code, and cost type information for any detail item that is costed to a job.

If the Production Management module is integrated with Purchase Order and the Print Summary Report check box is cleared, work ticket numbers and step numbers are included in the report.

If the Purchase Order module is integrated with Work Order, the detail format lists the work order number, step number, and transaction type information for any detail item that has been costed to a work order.

Note The vendor name and purchase address printed on this report may not match the primary vendor number in Vendor Maintenance if multiple location codes are defined in Purchase Address Maintenance or the vendor information was changed in Purchase Order Entry.



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