Reverse a Payroll Check Run


Use the Reverse Check Run window to reverse an entire check run in the Payroll module.

Note You must have the appropriate security setup to reverse a payroll check run.

To reverse a payroll check run

  1. Select Payroll > Main > Payroll Data Entry.
  2. In the Pay Cycle window, confirm your entries for the following fields match the pay cycle in progress: pay cycle, period starting and ending dates, and Allow employees with other pay cycles for bonus and commissions check box. And then enter the check date.

  3. Click Reverse Check Run.
  4. In the Reverse Check Run window, select an option in the Reverse By field:
    • Select Bank Code and Check No. to enter the bank code and check number of a check included in the check run. The program will use the source journal and register number associated with that check to find all checks included in the same check run.
    • Select Source Journal and Register No. to enter a register number to identify the check run. PR (payroll journal) will be the default value in the Source Journal field, which can only be viewed.
  5. Depending on your selection in the Reverse By field, enter either a bank code and check number, or a register number.
  6. If more than one check or register number matches the criteria you entered, a list appears. Select the check or register, and then click Select.
  7. Review the list of checks and then click Proceed.

    Only checks with a status of Available will be reversed. If there are no checks that can be reversed, the Proceed button is not available.

  8. In the Payroll Data Entry window, select each employee and verify payroll information, and then click Print.
  9. In the Payroll Tax Calculation window, click Proceed to calculate payroll taxes.
  10. At the message prompt to print the Payroll Data Entry Audit Report, click Yes and review the report.
  11. Select Payroll > Main > Check Register, and then print and update the Check Register.
  12. At the message prompt to print the Daily Transaction Register, click Yes, and then review and update the Daily Transaction Register.

The payroll check run is reversed.