Delete and Change Customers


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Delete or Change Customer Numbers






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Delete Customer Files

Wildcard FAQs

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Accounts Receivable Options

Activity Log



Select Accounts Receivable Utilities menu > Delete/Change Customers.

Warning  Before using this utility, back up all data files. Additionally, before using this task, any invoice entry and cash receipt entry in progress must be completed.


Use Delete and Change Customers to delete or change existing customer numbers.

Note Changing the division number of a customer may affect the primary salesperson in open data entry files (for example, the salesperson may become invalid).

A customer number can be selected to undergo only one function at a time. For example, you cannot delete a customer number and renumber the same customer number. The most recent function assigned to that customer number is placed on the delete/change list to execute. To perform a series of procedures using a single customer number, you must execute each function separately, updating the Delete and Change Customer Log file each time.

Warning When deleting temporary customers, the customer will be deleted if the balance in the Customer file is zero. Records in the Open Invoice and Transaction Payment History files that exist for the customer will be removed; therefore, when printing aging or trial balance information for a period that applies to these records, the total will not tie to the general ledger balance.

You can enter individual or ranges of customer numbers, using wildcard characters to mask selected groups of customer numbers. Changes are made to the files in which the selected customer number is referenced.

If two repetitive invoices with the same reference designator exist for both customers, the repetitive invoice of the original customer is deleted.

If the Customer Relationship Management module is set up, you can delete and renumber customers that are related to Sage CRM companies. When a customer is renumbered, the relationship between the customer and the Sage CRM company is maintained. When a customer is deleted, the relationship with the Sage CRM company is deleted, but the Sage CRM company is not deleted. When customers are merged, the destination customer determines which Sage CRM relationship is maintained; all Sage CRM relationships for the source customers are deleted.

Note The Sage CRM Prospects customer in Sage 100 cannot be merged or renumbered with this task. You can change the Sage CRM Prospects customer number in CRM Options if there are no existing prospect quotes.

Note For Internet customers, Delete and Change Customers can be used to renumber any consumer (.store) records that have changed to a customer type (.order) with a different division. Running this utility to renumber .store records that have changed to .order records with a different division ensures that the division set up for electronic commerce is properly maintained for reporting purposes.

Warning During the change process, for security and encryption reasons, the source customer’s credit card records and credit card Internet records (if applicable) are not copied to the destination customer and are deleted. Credit card information for source customers should be printed before merging customers. After the merge process is complete, you can manually reenter the credit card information, if necessary.

Note An active customer cannot be merged into an inactive customer.

Click Proceed to execute the delete and change customer process, and you're asked to print the Delete and Change Customer Listing. You must print the listing before you can delete or change any records. You can also print it by clicking the Print button.



1. Delete


Starting Customer No.

Ending Customer No.

All Files


2. Change


Starting Customer No.

Ending Customer No.

New Customer No.