Production Entry Register


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Select Bill of Materials Main menu > Production Entry Register.


The Production Entry Register lists all information entered in Production Entry and is used to check the accuracy of the entered data. You must print the register before the production entries can update (post) to the permanent files.

Note The register can be printed by batch if the Allow Batch Entry check box is selected in the Bill of Materials Options window.

After printing, review the Production Entry Register for accuracy. If there are errors, return to Production Entry and make the necessary changes. Reprint the register and proceed with the update.

Warning Do not, under any circumstances, interrupt the update process.

During the update process, the following occurs:

Postings from the Production Entry Register are updated to the general ledger when you update the Daily Transaction Register. Depending on your security setup, either the Daily Transaction Register is automatically printed and updated after you update the Production Entry Register, or you are prompted to print and update the Daily Transaction Register after updating the Production Entry Register.