B/M Picking Sheet Printing - Fields


B/M Picking Sheet Printing

Form Code

Enter a code to identify the printing format to use for this form, or click the Lookup button to list all form codes. Form codes can be established for different formats. To define a new format, enter a new form code. The Template Selection window appears, allowing you to select a template for the new format.

Click Designer to customize the form using Crystal Reports Designer. This button is available only if the Crystal Reports Designer software is installed on your workstation and the appropriate security is set up.

Note New form codes are saved for the current user and company. The last form code entered appears as the default code the next time this task is accessed.



Type the description of the form code.


Number of Copies

Select the number of copies to print.



Select this check box to print each copy of the report or form in proper binding order when printing multiple copies. Clear this check box if you do not want to collate the report or form. This check box is available only if the value selected in the Number of Copies field is greater than 1.


Multi-Part Form Enabled

Select this check box to enable multi-part printing using the Multi Part Form Maintenance window. The Multi Part button is available only if this check box is selected. Clear this check box to disable multi-part printing.

Multi-part printing allows you to print your documents to multiple locations. This functionality takes the place of preprinted multiple part carbon/carbonless forms.


Print Comments

Select the type of comments to print.

  • Select Full to print the entire comment entered on the Lines tab of the applicable data entry window.

  • Select Partial to print only the first 100 characters of the comment entered on the Lines tab.

  • Select None if you do not want to print Lines tab comments.


Include Miscellaneous Charges

Select this check box to include miscellaneous charges on the report. Clear this check box to exclude miscellaneous charges.


Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Grid Button Bar

The Bill Options button located above the primary grid allows you to launch the Option Selection task. This button is available only if the Use Options Bills check box is selected in the Bill of Materials Options window.


Bill Number

Enter the bill number for the bill configuration to include on the picking sheets, or click the Lookup button to list all bill numbers.



Enter a revision code for the bill configuration to include on the picking sheets, or click the Lookup button to list all revisions. Enter an asterisk (*) to print the current revision. This field is available only if the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in the Bill of Materials Options window.


Bill Options

Enter the option codes required for the bill configuration displayed, separating each code with a comma (,), or click the Lookup button to display the Option Selection window, which allows you to select option codes.



Type the quantity to be manufactured for the current bill. The placement of the decimal is based on the entry format selected in Common Information Options.


Effective Change Date

Type the effective date to include all engineering changes made through the specified date. This field is available only if the Enable Engineering Change Control check box is selected in the Bill of Materials Options window.


Description 1 and 2

This field displays the descriptions entered in the Description 1 and 2 fields in the Bill of Materials Maintenance window, and can only be viewed.


Current Revision

This check box appears selected if the revision selected is the bill's current revision, and can only be viewed.


Component Whse

Enter a warehouse code from which the components will be pulled, or click the Lookup button to list all warehouse codes. If the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is cleared in the Inventory Management Options window, the default warehouse appears and cannot be changed.


Bill Type

This field displays the bill type selected in the Bill Type field in the Bill of Materials Maintenance window, and can only be viewed.



Select a printer or output method. The following output methods are available:

  • Select Deferred to save the report or listing to your hard drive for printing at a future time using Deferred Printing.

  • Select Export to export to a file type, such as PDF or Excel. The file can then be saved to your hard drive.

  • Select Data Only Export to export only the data portion of the report (excluding header information) to a file type, such as PDF or Excel. The file can then be saved to your hard drive or e-mailed.

    Note This option is available only if the report or listing contains header information.

  • Select Office Merge to export data to a Microsoft Word or Excel template. For more information, see Office Template Manager.

  • Select Paperless Office to e-mail, fax, or print the report as a PDF document. When you select this option and click Print, the Paperless Office Selection window appears and allows you to define recipient and message options.