Establish an Option Bill


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Use the following procedure to establish an option bill.

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Select the Use Option Bills check box in the Bill of Materials Options window.


To establish an option bill

  1. Select Bill of Materials Main menu > Bill of Materials Maintenance.

  2. In the Bill Number field, enter the bill number. For more information, see Bill of Materials Maintenance - Fields.

  3. In the Revision field, enter the revision number.

  4. In the Bill Type field, select the type (Standard, Kit, or Engineering), and then click OK.

  5. On the Header tab, complete any fields to identify the base bill information.

  6. Select the Bill Has Options check box. The Bill Has Options check box is available only if Use Option Bills is selected in the Bill of Materials Options window.

  7. In the Option Categories fields, enter the name of each option category to use for the bill (for example, color or size). You can define up to nine separate option categories for each bill. Each option category can be defined as required or not required by selecting or clearing the Required check box next to each option.

  8. At the More drop-down button, click Option Bills.

  9. In the Option Bill Maintenance window, in the Option Category field, enter the Option Category field (1-9). For more information, see Option Bill Maintenance - Fields.

  10. In the Option Code field, enter the option code for the option category selected. Each option code within a category is identified by a two-character code.

  11. Complete fields on the Header tab to identify the option, and then click the Lines tab.

  12. Enter the items and quantities that make up the option and click Accept.

  13. Repeat steps 10-12 for each option code entered.

  14. To establish option interactions between components, continue with the procedure; Establish Option Interactions for a Bill.

An option bill has been established.