Option Interactions


Using the Option Interaction Maintenance feature in Bill of Materials Maintenance, you can define a list of components to be added to or subtracted from the bill for any combination of option codes. This list of components is referred to as an option interaction bill.

For example, a lawn mower may require a different engine bracket when the self-propelled attachment is used in conjunction with the 4 hp engine. The standard bracket must be deleted from the bill, and a larger bracket must be added to the bill. Option codes 4H and SP are used to identify this interaction. This option interaction bill consists of the following components.

Bill Number: LM0100  Option Codes: 4H, SP

Component Item Code





Extended Engine Bracket




Standard Engine Bracket




Assembly Labor



An option interaction bill is used whenever a bill includes multiple option codes that include any combination defined for the interaction. The option interaction defined above is used under two circumstances. The first circumstance occurs when bill LM0100 is specified with option codes 4H and SP, and the second circumstance occurs when option codes 4H, SP, and GC are specified.

If three or more option codes are specified for a bill, any option interaction bill that contains two or more of those codes is added to the bill. For example, the following list represents all possible option interactions defined for a bill specified with 4H, SP, and GC option codes.

1. 4H, SP, GC

2. 4H, SP 

3. 4H,  , GC

4.  , SP, GC

If an option interaction bill has been defined for each of these four configurations, components from all four option interaction bills are added to (or subtracted from) the base bill.

For more information, see Option Interaction Maintenance.