Column Properties - Fields


Column Properties

IOList Variable Name

This field displays the IO list variable name and can only be viewed.


Alias Variable Name

This field displays the alias variable name and can only be viewed.


Moveable Column

Select this check box to allow users to move the column.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Lock Field

Select this check box to lock the field.


Column Description

Enter a description for the column. The description will be used as the label for the column in the primary grid and also in the secondary grid unless a description is entered in the Sec Grid Desc field.

To split the column description into two rows, insert a carriage return token (<CR>) in the location where you want the line break. For example, if you want Quantity Ordered to be split into two rows, enter Quantity<CR>Ordered.

Note that you can have a two-row column description only in a primary grid. If the column is moved to the secondary grid, the carriage return token is ignored, and the description is displayed in one line. Also you can use only one line break per description.


Hideable Column

Select this check box to allow users to hide the column.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Grid Location

Select the column location for panels that have two grids:

  • Select Primary to place the column in the first grid.
  • Select Secondary to place the column in the second grid.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Format Mask

Type the mask for the field. The mask controls how data appears in a window, as well as the way the data is entered. Masks can also control the type of characters allowed.

You can specify string masks for string data type fields, and numeric masks for numeric data type fields.

For more information, see Format Masks.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Hide Groups

Enter the column names to hide in conjunction with Validation Groups that use the same validation rules.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Other Groups

Enter the group column names to enable or disable.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Implied Decimal

Select an option:

  • Select Default to use an implied decimal format.
  • Select Never to not use an implied decimal format.

This field is available for quantity fields.

This field is available only for user-defined fields.


Sec Grid Desc

Enter a description for the column when it appears in the secondary grid. If this field is blank, the description in the Column Description field is used.


Column Width

Enter the column width.


Hide Column

Select this check box to hide the column.