Account Structure Maintenance - Fields


Account Structure Maintenance

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Account Mask

This field displays a mask based on the values entered for each segment of the account structure. This field can only be viewed. The mask is made up of the number of segments, the segments' size, the account number separator, and either the number sign (#) indicating the segment's type is numeric or A indicating the segment's type is alphanumeric. As changes are made in the account segment fields, the mask is redisplayed.



Select the type for the account segment. An account segment can be either numeric or alphanumeric.

Numeric values (in account segments of numeric type or alphanumeric type) are zero-filled at the beginning. Alpha portions of alphanumeric values will be uppercase, and alphanumeric values are filled with blanks at the end.

Note: A maximum of ten segments (including M) can be defined. An existing account segment's type can be changed from numeric to alphanumeric but cannot be changed from alphanumeric to numeric. For more information, see General Ledger Account FAQsand Change the Account Structure.

Expand or collapse item Example - Numeric Account Segment Type

If a segment's size is five characters and you create a subaccount in Sub Account Maintenance for the segment and enter 10, the subaccount value will be 00010.


Expand or collapse item Example - Alphanumeric Account Segment Type

If a segment's size is five characters and you create a subaccount in Sub Account Maintenance for the segment and enter A123, the value will be A123 for the subaccount.



Enter a size for the account segment. You cannot enter zero (0).

General ledger account numbers can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The general ledger account number structure can be divided into a minimum of one segment or a maximum of ten segments. The first segment is always the main account and can be between 3 and 15 characters. Segments 2 through 10 contain subaccounts and can be between 1 and 15 characters. The combined size of the main account segment and the other segments cannot be greater than 32 characters. With account separators included, the general ledger account number can contain a maximum of 41 characters.

Note: An existing segment can be made larger but cannot be made smaller. If you are increasing the size of a segment, the Account Structure Change Wizard appears and you have the option of zero-filling existing numeric values at the beginning or at the end for the segment.For more information, see General Ledger Account FAQsand Change the Account Structure.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample




you want the segment to have a size of four characters.



Enter a description for the segment; these descriptions are used throughout the system when referring to these segments. For example, in Sub Account Maintenance, descriptions for segments 2-10 populate the Segment field for selection. Also, the segment descriptions appear on report selection windows. The description for the first segment "M" cannot be changed. Segments can represent departments, locations, states, divisions, or any grouping that is meaningful to the business.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample

Segment 2: City

Segment 3: Location

Segment 4: Product Line

Segment 5: Department


Account Number

Select an account separator to use between each of the account segments when displaying an account number.

Note If you use FRx to process reports, select a dash (-) in this field. FRx does not support the following account separators:

  • _ underline

  • \ back slash

  • / forward slash

  • : colon

  • ; semi-colon

  • _ underline



Expand or collapse item Example - How a Separator Appears in an Account Number

Account numbers display as follows based on the separator selected:

  • - dash:  40000-01-000-010-100

  • : colon:  40000:01:000:010:000

  • . period:  40000.

  • _ underline:  40000_01_000_010_000


Main Account Description

Select an account separator to use after the main account description when building the account description.

Expand/Collapse item Example - How an Account Description is Built

This is an account description built using the short descriptions of the main account and the various subaccounts. The main account description separator is the colon (:), and the subaccount description separator is the dash (-).

  • Account Description = Desk Sales: Irvine-Main-Steelcase-Sales

  • Account Number = 40000-01-000-010-100


Segment Description


Short Description




Desk Sales










Product Line








Sub Account Description

Select an account separator to use between each of the subaccount segment descriptions when building the account description.