Item Quantity Inquiry - Fields


Item Quantity Inquiry

Item Code

This field displays the item code selected in the data entry window, and can only be viewed.


Standard Unit of Measure

This field displays the unit of measure for the selected item, and can only be viewed.


Selection Grid

Use this grid to view the quantity on hand, on purchase order, on sales order, on back order, committed, on work ticket, require for work ticket, and available for each warehouse location.

Click the Show/Hide Inactive Warehouses button to the right of the grid to either show or hide inactive warehouses. The button is available only when the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Totals Grid

Use this grid to view the total quantity on hand, on purchase order, on sales order, on back order, committed, on work ticket, require for work ticket, and available for all warehouse locations.