Distribution Entry - Fields


Distribution Entry

Serial Number / Lot Number / FIFO Date / LIFO Date

Enter the lot number, serial number, FIFO date, or LIFO date for this distribution, or click the Lookup button to use the List Entry feature.

Click the Clear Distribution button to clear all fields for the distribution and reset the Distribution Balance field.


Receipt No.

Type the receipt number for the adjusted line item. This field is available only for LIFO and FIFO items.



This field displays the available quantity for the item selected, and can only be viewed.



Type the portion of the extended quantity to be distributed to this lot number, serial number, LIFO item, or FIFO item.


Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar.

If the expiration date is automatically calculated based on settings in Item Maintenance, this field displays the date, and it can be changed only if you have the appropriate security setup.

This field is available if the Track Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected in Item Maintenance.


Distribution Balance

This field displays the quantity remaining to be distributed, and can only be viewed.