Items to Produce/Items to Purchase


Select Inventory Requirements Planning > Main > Inventory Requirements Planning.


After generating demand data in Inventory Requirements Planning, you can:

  • Use the Items to Produce window to create work tickets for the selected items if the Inventory Requirements Planning module is integrated with Production Management. If Production Management is not integrated, you can view a report of inventory demand.
  • Use the Items to Purchase window to create purchase orders for the selected items if the Inventory Requirements Planning module is integrated with Purchase Order. If Purchase Order is not integrated, you can view a report of inventory demand.

When creating a work ticket or purchase order to stock, demands are consolidated and Inventory Requirements Planning will use the earliest demand date as the date required.

Note: The Create W/Ts button is available if the Inventory Requirements Planning module is integrated with Production Management. The Create P/Os button is available if the Inventory Requirements Planning module is integrated with Purchase Order.

Note: A Pending Actions message and icon displays for items that have an action assigned.
